"I'm fine. He healed me."

Her head tilted as she raised a brow, questioning the male person I'm pertaining. "He?"

"Pink Steven," I said. "He kinda' formed after he got out of my body."

"How did that happen?"

I brought down my shirt as I topped my leg on the other as I uttered how it happened. "Well, it was during my birthday at the Long Night Pub while we were playing Truth or Dare. The dare was to make out anybody of us. Turned out, Thomas chose me and suddenly kissed me. It kinda' activated unusually. Heat, that's how I felt—burning-like hotness in my insides as it shifts to different colors from time to time."

"That's odd. Your gem doesn't activate when we kissed most of the time."

I faced her, "That's what I kept saying to myself. How is it possible that a sudden kiss could have such an impact?"

"Did the gems knew about Pink Steven coming out of your gem?"

"Yeah, last week."

"How did they take the news?"

I fixed my posture. I looked down on the grass sticking between my toes. "They didn't take it very well at first. Garnet insisted that it's a sudden reaction from a sudden feeling I wasn't expecting, causing my gem to react in an unusual way. In most cases, gems poof themselves if they experience some extreme emotion, just like what happened to me. Although I didn't poof, it got out of my body.

"They rushed in just to see me, and they were shocked when they saw Pink in existence. I told them I'm okay," I then sighed, "I do want my gem back. I'm not sure how long the healing spit would last, I might feel sick again."

"Do you tried to fuse with him back?" She suggested.

"Huh, I can't believe I never thought of that before."

Why didn't I think about that in the first place? It's such an easy method I do back then and yet I managed to forget of using it. It's been such a long time since I've fused and I've slightly failed to recall how it works nowadays. Fusing with Pink would bring me back to normal. I just need Pink to participate in it.

Immediately after, an announcement from the Intercom has spoken that there is a class officer program meeting at the gymnasium, and Connie is one of the officers.

Connie stood up. "Well, I have to go. I have to attend a meeting. Text me when you get home."

"I will."

We both shared a warm embrace. I looked at her in the eyes and caressed her face. I was attempting to kiss her when Charlie called him from behind.

"Connie, we have to go."

She, instead, stroked my curly hair and plastered a smile on her face. "Take care."

"You too," I replied.

She picked up her bag and sprinted over to Charlie as they both headed toward the gymnasium. I observed his movements, still, 'cause I'm that kind of protective boyfriend. He wrapped his arm around Connie's shoulder as they somewhat giggled to a joke, perhaps, or something else I couldn't confidently guess what they're trying to talk about. My lips slightly curved down as I watched them. I have a slight nerve on this guy, he's getting into me.

I began walking in the opposite direction, where the exit is as I lead myself back to the Dondai. I started the engine and drove my way back to Overland Park.


I got home carrying some groceries I bought from the supermarket when I arrived in my hometown. Luckily, Pink was already in front of the door ready to assist me. He grabbed one of the paper bags from the car as he sprinted toward the front door to open it. I closed the door by kicking it shut.

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