Chapter 10

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Thalia's POV
"You got the papers?" The man with the black glasses asked me. I sighed. I know I betrayed my best friend Renesmee, the one who was by my side through thick and thin. I deeply hope that it's all worth it. I chose my family over Renesmee. I just can't imagine, how I allowed myself to do all of this.
"Yes, now can I please see my family one last time??" "First, the papers" "Fine!" I gave him the papers he was asking for. He snatched it from my hand and gave it a look, in case I was giving him a fake set of evidence. "Now? Can I see my family?" He shook his head. "That's not for me to decide princess, it's for our boss to decide" "Well can I meet this goddamn Boss of yours too see my family?!?!" I said with pursed lips. "Follow me."

We left the airport. "Get in the car" He ordered. I got into it. He started driving towards Fall towers. He finally stopped the car, and ordered me to start walking. We went through a narrow corridor, and got into a lift. Finally the lift came to a stop. The sight I saw was heart breaking. I didn't know what to choose. My family or.... Miranda? Miranda was laying unconscious tied to a chair. Blood was trickling down her forehead, her head hanging low.
"Goodness! Miranda!" I ran towards her. He shoved his hand before me. "Princess, you gotta choose, Save your family or save this loser". I gave up. I was broke. I didn't know what to do.

"You finally came didn't you?" A man's voice echoed through out of that small room. I turned to see who it was. There he was... The most wanted criminal internationally. "What do you want from me?!" I shouted. "Oh me, I don't want anything... just those evidences this stupid asshole sent to her annoying sister" "Don't you dare call her stupid!" "Oh do shut up! Now where's those papers you promised?" "You knew them! Why would you do something like that to them, They trust you. Miranda is your" " SILENCE" The guy bellowed. " Now the papers? Where is it? The guy with the black glasses, stepped forward, "Right here." He handed the papers to his boss. "Oh, Anderson. such a good girl you are." "Shut your stupid ass mouth, now show me my family!" I cried in rage. "Of course, Of course I would... but before that.. do me a favour and learn how to respect your boss" He said with a smirk. He started walking towards the lift. He summoned the lift. Just before leaving he turned and said "Boys.. lock her up with Miranda too..."

Hey guys!! Hope ur enjoying the story!! Will be updatin once in 2 dayss!! If ur enjoying the story anddd really need to know what happens next.. Comment down a red heart ❤️!! Peace out! ✌🏻

~Deception~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon