"What'd I do?" She asks laughing.

"Making me think my ass is pregnant as if I'm not on birth control and on top of taking it," I call her out. 

"Yeah Nat you can't do that shit," Alex says making me roll my eyes as I wipe the moisture from crying off my face. He wraps his arms around me and glares at his sister, "How would I have survived with an infant in my apartment? Or I should say new house with that MVP child support."

"Shut up Alex," I tell him shaking my head, "You really don't think I'd bring the Morgan and Alex melodrama to a new house, do you? That toxicity stays in this apartment." 

"Must get rid of toxic in community," Natalia says making me laugh at the Harry Styles SNL quote. "I am sorry though for making you freak out. You gotta admit the signs are there though." 

"I'm not going to deny that they are," I tell her, "But again Christian is literally the only guy I've hooked up within like two months, and as far as I can remember I haven't missed a pill. Doesn't really seem realistic. It's just a bug." 

"Alright," Natalia says holding her arms open for me. "But if you were pregnant, me and Alex would be the best babysitters. That kid would be so dope by the time they'd grow up no one could touch them." 

I can't help but laugh as I just shake my head.

My head pounds as I get up just as nauseous as I was all day yesterday. Great sick and hungover, maybe just hungover I can't even think right now. Getting up against my own judgment I have to pause a second before walking as I let the head rush pass so I don't immediately fall over. Alright, just a hangover Ashtyn, you're good. I head out to the living room where Natalia is already making breakfast. "Morning," She says, "I've got sausage and pancakes." 

"You do too damn much," I tell her with a small laugh. 

"Yeah well," Natalia says looking at me and giving me a small forced smile, "You're probably not going to like what I've gotta say now."

"What?" I ask sitting down at one of the bar stools along Alex and my breakfast bar.

"You should probably take another test just to be sure," She tells me seriously. I raise my eyebrows asking if she's being serious or just trying to fuck with me, "You were drinking last night and balancing it out pretty well with water and Alex said you'd had three of the Gatorades during the day. God forbid you are, but if you are pregnant you'd be early enough on that a false negative or two isn't totally unlikely especially if you're hydrated enough. The box even says to take it in the morning the first time you pee." Groaning I roll my eyes, "Just take it dude and I'll shut up." 

"Fine," I say as I grab the second box of tests and head into my bathroom again. "Fucking making me take this shit again as if it's going to be different, just want's me to have a stress aneurysm doesn't she?" I fume to myself as I tear open the packaging of the two tests. 

Yet again I pee on the sticks before capping them and finishing my business. After washing my hands and heading back to the living space I toss the two pieces of plastic onto the counter as I sit back in my spot. "There you go," I tell her and point at them, "Five them five minutes and in the meantime hand over some of that sausage, I'm starving seeing as I didn't really get to eat last night."

Natalia laughs before Alex comes back out of his room, "Can you two shut the fuck up some of us are hungover." 

"Join the club," I tell him as Natalia puts a plate in front of me.

"I thought you threw these away," Alex says picking one of the tests up.

"She just peed on those," Natalia says making Alex fake gag as he drops it again quickly. "Giving me more peace of mind about it."

"Trying to actually make me KMS," I say looking up at Natalia who just rolls her eyes as she shakes her head. "You seriously could've waited until tomorrow though to make me do that, I've got like four meetings today with new vendors." 

"Well you're already convinced you're not pregnant so who cares," Natalia says as she hands me another plate with a pancake on it.

"Why couldn't you be the one who's got a pregnancy scare?" I ask taking a bite before continuing, "Like you're just naturally domesticated, cooking for your brother and his roommate basically in their house." 

Natalia laughs, "Because I'm careful when I have sex, not a spur of the moment in the middle of a gala with essentially someone random type of person." 

"Hey, at least it was good," I tell her nodding as I take a bite of the sausage.

"Two pink is good right?" Alex asks looking at the tests making me immediately chock on the food in my mouth. Natalia looks at me as I'm coughing trying not to die by choking, might not be the worst thing if Alex isn't just being a dick. 

She looks at the tests before whispering, "Holy shit." 

There's no set upload schedule, if Brewers win I'll update otherwise if I finish another chapter ahead I'll update. I'm still just as insanely busy as I have been so just bear with me if there's not always an update ready. I'm working on getting ahead though so hopefully we don't run into too many issues. 

Just For TonightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora