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<><><>Adelaide's POV<><><>

My hand falls to my side, disappointment coursing through my blood as I watch Gale fade out of view, masked by the heavy flow of students.

I frown, gripping my short hair with a distressed hand.

Someone taps on my shoulder, making me whip around.

Stark blue eyes meet mine, filled with guilt.

Sawyer looks at me, then at my hair, in disbelief. "What did-"

I shrug, attempting to turn away scornfully, but he catches my shoulder.

Sawyer rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "Listen. ."

I cross my arms and shoot him a pointed look.

Sawyer inhales and settles his arm to his sides. "I know how I reacted was . . . Awful, to say the least."

I shake my head slowly, rolling my bottom lip between my teeth. "You don't have to apologize, what I did was awful."

This time, it's Sawyers turn to shake his head. "No. I heard what happened. If anything, it was your awful friends fault. Definitely not yours. I shouldn't of reacted that way, and I really apologize."

I smile softly at him. "It's fine. I don't know how else you would've reacted."

Sawyer snorts. "Definitely not that way," he runs a hand through his blonde hair.

I offer him a grin. "Well thanks," he looks up. "For apologizing."

Sawyer grins.

"Lets uh. .  . Go to class?"


I tap my foot impatiently as I wiggle the laminated script in my hand.

Gale should be here. I've been waiting for thirty minutes.

I let out a huff and lean on the windowsill, gazing blankly at the field behind the school.

The baseball team is practicing, and I let out a laugh as someone's bat flies through the air.

"What's so funny?"

I jump, whipping around to find Gale in front of me.

His bandages are still on his face, which is set in amusement.

"Where were you?" I say, crossing my arms.

"Geez, you sound like my mom." He smiles, and I ignore the butterflies that settle in my stomach.

"Well I've been waiting for half an hour!"  I sigh, putting my hands on my hip.

Gale raises his hands in surrender. "Well sor-ry!" He starts, pointing at his face, "I had to change my bandages and explain to the nurse what happened!"

I raise an eyebrow. "What did happen?"

Gale rolls his eyes. "I just told her that I fell."

I let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Good one. Never thought of that one before."

Gale sighs and runs a hand through his dark hair.

I look away.

"So. . Should we practice?" I ask, drawing out the question.  Clapping the script between my hands, I offer him a smile.

Gale shrugs nonchalantly. "I guess."
Gale's cheeks flush as he reads ahead in the script.

I nibble on the end of my granola bar, swinging my legs off of a desk. "You good?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at his steadily reddening face.

Gale gulps and clears his throat. His hands shake slightly against the script. "Uh. . What's the percentage of our grade this play counts as?"

I swallow the last bit of granola, crumpling the wrapper into my pocket. "A half and a bit. Why?"

Gale's eyes widen in panic. "Do we need to include. . . Certain aspects?"

I furrow my brows, opening my script to the page Gale was on.

My eyes widen and my cheeks flush, as I realize this is the part where Romeo and Juliet kiss.

"We don't have to-" I start, but Gale shakes his head and gathers his breath.

He slowly walks towards me. Stopping in front of me, he mutters a few lines before pausing.

His eyes linger on my lips, and my heart speeds up.  My face is on fire, and my hands are tingling.

Gale flickers his eyes towards mine, as if looking for approval.


Gale hesitates and then closes the gap between us. His plump lips hover over mine, his hot breathe fanning my cheeks. He places his lips on mine, and I ignite.

I'm kissing. . . Gale Storms?

His lips are warm and soft under mine, fireworks going off over my lips. His linger a bit longer before breaking off, stopping the kiss as soon as it started.

My lips tingle, missing his warmth.

Gale breathes heavily, his cheeks bright red. But I'm sure mine are redder.

Something flickers in his eyes- guilt almost- before he furrows his brows, turns on his heels, grabs his backpack and storms out of the classroom.

Humiliation curdles in the pit of my stomach. Did he hate it that much?

He did start the kiss.

Not that I hated it- but he did.

He probably hates me again.

Tears well in my eyes and I blink hard to block them out, but a few stray drops race down my flaming cheeks.

What just happened?


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