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<><><>Gale's POV<><><>

I flop onto my bed, feeling the ruffle of covers flutter against my cheeks. The house is empty and cold, as it always is. After what happened with my brother, my mom has made it her mission to avoid being in the house for how ever long she can. My heart jolts at the thought of my brother. My goofy, crooked grinned brother. Seven was his name, and he hated it. But I thought it was a cool name. I just thought he was an overall cool brother. He always had these legos that he kept in a giant plastic bin and made his own buildings with them. I was amazed. I don't have the talent for such things. I remember one time where we tripped into a creek next to our house and almost drowned. I had smashed my head against a rock and he had cut his wrist against a shard of rock. Mom was furious, but we both have cool scars to show it. Well in Seven's case-had.

He died two years ago. And it was entirely Adelaide's fault.

That's why I hate her.

I roll over to my side and scroll through my phone, mindlessly checking through the media.

I feel my eyes shut, and I drift off into a deep slumber.

Gravel cracked under my flat tires as i pulled into my driveway, the porch light flickering slightly as summer bugs pricked it. My broken kick stand clattered to the ground. Groaning softly, I kicked it into the grass and watched it settle. I couldn't care less, to be honest.

My forehead was sticky with sweat and humidity, so I quickly walked into the house, a content sigh bubbling as cool air hit my damp skin. My brother, Seven, was the first to notice I was back. He sat on the couch, legs crossed, D.S in hand, and a capri sun hanging by the straw in his mouth. Amidst the calculated clicking of the D.S, he managed to smile at me, cursing under his breath as his capri sun fell out from between his lips. I offer a smile back, giggling slightly at the sight before me. Seven was always good at video games. His clicking was calculated- mine are chaotic.

"Where's mom?" I question, brushing my sweat soaked hair from my forehead.

I watched as Seven held up a finger as if to say "wait" and tapped my foot impatiently. Finally, he answered my question. "went to the store for dinner, she said she'd be back soon." His eyes were still glued to the screen, his tongue between his teeth.

I open my mouth to answer, before the scene warps completely.

I'm alone in the house, a discarded game device on the couch. Seven nowhere to be seen.

Seven, no longer alive.

I wake up with a huff, and grasp my chest, shuddering slightly. My heart hammers against my chest and I start counting. 1. . 2. .


I turn my head towards the clock once I wake up, a hazy fog of sleep still clouding my vision. 6:40 the clock read. I had about twenty minutes to get to school. I crawl out of my bed and ache for the warmth, and get ready.

I walk down the stairs, not surprised to see that the house is empty. Grabbing a piece of bread, I nibble on the crust before setting it down. I'm not hungry. Thoughts race around my mind, and I race to school.

I open the doors of the school and once again ignore the stairs of annoying girls. Heading to my locker, I pile my backpack and jacket in and grab my stuff for my first hour class.

I enter the class and look for Adelaide. I see her sitting in the back of the class, near Sawyer. I glare in their direction and head over to them.

Sawyer is speaking softly to Adelaide, and she has tears threatening to pour out of her eyes.

Once I approach them and stand at the front of their table, Sawyer leaps up, fire dancing in his eyes. "What do you want?" He growls, and I smirk.

"Nothing from you," I turn my gaze towards Adelaide, whose bottom lip was quivering, her cheeks rosy, "I came to bother her." I say nonchalantly.

Sawyer slams his fist into my chest. "Why?!" He yells, dragging the attention of our classmates onto him.

I rub my chest, pretending to be hurt. "Ouch," I say blankly, and his fury is evident on his face. "I'm not talking to you."

"Well if you have a problem with her, you have a problem with me." Sawyer growls, and I sneer at him.

"What are you, her boyfriend?" I feel a tug at my heart when I gaze onto their blushing faces.

Sawyer shakes his head. "That's not the point," he says icily, furrowing his brows, "don't you have pity for her? How you treat her? You're a monster!"

Rage fills me to the brim. Something cold settles in the pit of my stomach. I grab the collar of Sawyer's shirt. "Monster, me?" I repeat, anger whistling out of my mouth.

"The real monster," I turn on my heel, wielding a finger at a near shell shocked Adelaide. "Is her." At my words she flinches, averting her gaze to the floor, a pink hue rising in her cheeks. "I would not give her pity if it was the last thing I do."

"And why is that?" Sawyer directs, eyebrows furrowed, nostrils flared.

My lips purse, blood thrumming in my ears. My gaze is tunneled, focused on the waiting gaze of Sawyer, and onto the suddenly frantic, silent Adelaide.

I ignore them both, instead forcing a breath in ny lungs and cricking the tension out of my fingers. My eyes close for a moment, and I feel the familiar tender ache rise in my chest before I flutter them open again, forcing myself to look into Sawyers eyes.

"Because she made my brother kill himself."


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