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<><><>Adelaide's POV<><><>
—-flashback- —
I stare at my reflection in the mirror.

Gaunt, lifeless brown eyes with dark circles stare back at me. Flowing caramel hair blankets my back. My pale face is shadowed and much thinner than a few weeks ago. I don't know what happened.

Why did I let myself go?


My shaking hand grip the scissors tightly as I hold them up to my chin. I close my eyes, and let the scissors close.

My hair falls to the ground in a heap as I continue to chop it off.

I grit my teeth and let my eyes wander over to the mirror. I'm stunned by what I see.

My once beautiful hair is short and rugged; but I like it.

With a grin, I set the scissors on the sink and clean up the bathroom.

I run my fingers through my choppy hair, grinning wildly.

Will Gale like it?

I freeze, a blush rising up my cheeks as I remember what went down a few nights ago.

Am I crazy? For being in. . Love with a boy who, until recently, despised me?

I sigh and flop onto my bed, sinking my face into my nearby pillow.

I shut my eyes tightly and roll over, staring at the dark wall in front of me. It's good that Gale and I made some sort of amends, but I'm still so guilt ridden that a tight knot in my stomach makes me nauseas. I wonder what life would be like if Seven didn't kill himself?

Would Gale and I be friends? Laughing together and grinning at each other while we make faces behind the teachers back? Would Seven and I be friends?

And most of all, would Gale be happy? Would I be happy?

I mean- what if I convinced my friends to stop bullying Seven? What if I stood up for him?

My heart beats solemnly in my chest, and I grip the ends of my shortly cropped hair. It's too late now, I think, as I close my eyes and wrap myself in my blanket. It's too late to go back and help Seven.

But it's not too late to show Gale I'm truly sorry.

And, hopefully I'm making some progress! He seemed less. . . Hateful last time we saw each other.

Baby steps, I remind myself. Baby steps.


Sunlight fills my eyelids as I stir, rubbing my eyes and letting out a yawn.

I sit up and scratch my head, pausing in confusion at the absence of my long hair.

I smirk and strip the blankets off of myself, letting my feet drop to the floor.

I head to my closet and pull on a sweater and jeans.

I yawn again and head to the bathroom, making sure to brush and ruffle up my rugged hair. I throw on a small layer of makeup, and brush my teeth.

Jogging down the stairs, I see Mama turn her head, her wheel chair in front of the stove. She flips a pancake and pauses when her eyes land on me. "Adelaide?" She whispers, covering her mouth with a frail hand, "what did you do to your hair?"

My stomach turns but I offer Mama a soft smile. "I thought it was time for a change," I say quietly.

And I'm sure things are changing.

For the better.

Aha. Soooo I'm too lazy to restart the book right now. I wanna finish it first and then rewrite it. Sorry for the confusion.

If you go on my other stories latest chapter, the reason for why I was gone so long is kinda explained.

Anyways, who is your favorite character and why?

P.s Adelaide's hair is on top :)



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