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<><><>Gale's POV<><><>

"Seven?" I whisper, a weird emotion strangling my heart.

My brother looks toward me, his face void of all emotion. "Gale," he breathes.

I grin, shakily running towards my best friend. I wrap my arms around him and bury my head in his chest. "I thought you were dead! They all did! I knew you wouldn't leave me-" 

Seven grips my arms and untangles them from him. "I am," he says lowly, looking down at me. "Look at me."

I stare at the ground, tears welling in my eyes. I refuse to look up.

"LOOK AT ME!" Seven screams, his voice harsh and rough.

I force myself to look up at him. I gag at the sight. This is why they had a closed casket. . .

His neck is a deep purple color, his face is placid and pale, gaunt and hollow. His usually starling green eyes are dead and dull, no light shining within them. Dirt smudges his high cheekbones and button nose, his black hair gritty. His hands are mangled, his clothes torn and soil ridden.

He grins. Dirt falls out of his lips.

I gag, turning away.

"Why are you afraid, brother?" Seven hisses, his long fingers dancing against my turned shoulders. He walks in front of me, but I squeeze my eyes shut. "Don't you love me?"


My eyes flit open, sweat piercing my irises, burning fiercely.

I grip my sheets, heaving breathes in, gasping for air.

"Damn it," I hiss through clenched teeth, running a shaky hand through my sweaty hair.

Tears slip down my cheeks, and I hastily wipe them away as a heavy sob rocks my body. I breathe in deeply, gathering my sanity.

I sit up slowly, clenching fistfuls of blanket. I close my eyes, counting to five. Once my breathings regulated, I slip out of my bed and shuffle towards the bathroom.

I look in the mirror. Distraught rides my features. My black hair is messy and untamed. Dark circles frame my green eyes. My face is shadowed from the nightmares that rack my body and thrust away sleep.
Bandages line my face from the fight that happened a few days prior; I look like a wreck.

I run a hand over my face.

Good God, do I want to die.

I shuffle into school, staring at the ground, ignoring the whispers and swoons.

I grip my fists in my pockets, furrowing my brows.

"Gale?" A girls voice cooes in my ear.

I flinch, turning towards Adelaide.

My first reaction is to hiss a curse at her and throw her backpack to the ground, letting the rage and guilt that settles in my stomach lash at her.

But I don't.

Instead I stifle a gasp.

Adelaide's long hair is chopped short, her eyebrows raised in question. Her eyes are filled with sadness as they meet mine.

"What did you do-?" I point a hand at her hair.

She blushes and self consciously runs a hand through her short hair. "I'm sorry- is it bad?"

My face burns. Definitely not.

"It's fine." I grunt, turning away.

"Gale." Comes Adelaide's voice. I stop in my tracks, hesitantly looking at her. "Are you okay?"

Truth is, I'm not okay. Far from it.

And I don't plan on ever being okay.

I just wanna be with my brother.

But instead, I simply say: "Yes." And walk towards my locker.


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