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<><><>Gale's POV<><><>

I head out of the classroom, my mind clouded with thoughts. What did I just do? I think, disheveling my hair with my right hand. Adelaide said goodbye to me, and not only did I acknowledge her, I smiled! Smiled! I shake my head, furrowing my brows. My cheeks lightly burn, much to my dismay. My frown deepens, and I stifle a sigh. What did I do? Clinging onto an arm of my backpack, I head out of the school, swinging my keys from my fingers.

Stepping out into the sunlight, I squint, raising my left hand to shadow my face. The sun is in just the right place where it's right in my eyes. A breeze billows, and I shiver slightly. Curling my fingers against my jacket, I look for my car. Suddenly, I hear faint footsteps behind me. I let out a breath, knowing who those steps belong to.

Adelaide stands behind me, her hair flowing lightly away from her face, the wind whipping her cheeks and making them rosy red.

I feel heat come to my cheeks, but I usher it down. I ignore it. I will not. Cannot, give thought to the rise of temperature in my neck.

Adelaide gazes up at me behind her thick dark lashes. I feel my heart stammer, but I ignore that too. Screw my heart, I think, it doesn't know what it wants.

"Hi," she mutters, tucking a stray lock of caramel hair behind her ear. For a moment i just look at her, working my tongue, unsure of what to say or do. But finally, I unstick my teeth.

I gulp. "Hi." I answer simply, furrowing my brows slightly.

Adelaide fiddles with her fingers, looking down at her feet. "So. . . I really hate to ask you this, considering you. . ." She clears her throat, "well, what I'm saying is that my mom isn't answering her phone, and you're the only one here, so I was thinking. . ."

"I can give you a ride." I finish for her, and I feel a rise of hesitation latch itself in my throat. She was so awkward while asking that it was kind of. . . NO. I think, before I finish that sentence. I rub a hand over my prickling face.

"Really!" Adelaide exclaims, her pouty lips stretching into a grin. Her dimples deepen, "I mean. . . Thanks," she scratches the back of her head, a blush forming on her cheeks.

I can't help but let a small smile slip past my lips, surprising myself, and her, as well. "You're welcome." I say, tightening my fingers against my jacket, my teeth finding the inside of my cheek.

Adelaide flashes me another one of her trademark dimpled smiles. "It means a lot, Gale," she twirls a piece of her hair absentmindedly, her voice quiet.

I nod my head, once, before raising a hesitant hand and pointing. "My car is over there," Adelaide's gaze follows my finger to an old, sea-green car. I purse my lips. "Sorry it's kind of old, I had to work for it." Why am I apologizing for how my car looks?

Adelaide shrugs. "I don't have my own car. Plus I love the color it reminds me of-" her face turns beet red, and she scratches the back of her neck.

My eyebrows furrow once again, confused.

Adelaide looks at her feet, and we head towards my car.


The car drive is silent, a bit awkward, but it was only natural. Just today I was spitting venom at her, tongue lashing with malice. Just today we made some sort of amends, a break in the constant contempt bridged between us.

"So," I say at last, turning to her. Adelaide flinches slightly, and I scowl. My face relaxes a bit, though, when she turns to look at me. "What's your address?" I ask, turning my attention back to the road, hands clammy against the steering wheel. I flex a few of my fingers, wondering why I allowed myself to be in this position in the first place.

God, it's some kind of cruel joke.

Adelaide's eyes widen in embarrassment, and she lightly plants a palm on her forehead. Her face flushes slightly, before she winces."Ohmygosh. Sorry, Gale." I shrug, and she tells me her address.

"That's close to my house," I say, realizing. She nods her head.

"Yep, it's like two minutes away," she says, gazing out of the window, a hand against her chin. She turns to look at me, and her face reddens at my quirked eyebrow. "I know that because I take bike rides around the neighborhood and I saw you outside once." She adds hastily, her voice a higher pitch than normal.

"I didn't say anything." I offer, and her face becomes somehow redder.

Adelaide says something under her breath, and I only catch a few words. "Stupid. . . you. . . Adelaide. . ."

"I'm joking with you," I look at her, I mutter, a small smile gracing on my face. Adelaide turns to look at me, and a crooked expression lightly plays on her face.

"Gale. . ." She says with a huff, crossing her arms. I raise my eyebrows.

"Yes?" I say, and she lets out another huff.

She perks up and jabs a finger against her window. "That's my house," she tells me, and tucks another lock of her hair behind her ear.

I turn the car into her driveway and let her slink out. She turns to look at me before shutting the door. "Thank you, Gale." She smiles, and my heart hammers faintly, "it means so much. And just know that I am sorry." Guilt rakes her eyes.

I nod my head, a slight frown on my face.

"See you tomorrow," she says, and shuts the door. She turns and waves, an expression I can't quite make out. I wait until she opens her door and goes inside to leave.

I let a puff of air escape my lips. What just happened?

I don't know. But what I do know is that Seven would like this.

But i'm not sure if I do.

Forgive me, please?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon