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<><><>Adelaide's POV<><><>

I slump against my wooden door, dragging my back against it. My heart hammers heavily against my chest, and my face ignites. "What. . . The hell just happened?" I breath, covering my face with my hands, and running my fingers through my hair. I'm home alone, and I decide to make the best of it. By sitting against my door and thinking about what just happened.

Was Gale just. . . Nice to me?

He drove me home, joked with me, and smiled! Smiled!

I shakily stand up, and labor my breathing. I walk towards my living room, and decide to watch a movie.

The snacks! I think, and race towards the kitchen. I heave an armful of chips and other junk and run back to the living room.

I slump down on the couch, and click t through the movies that are saved on my tv. I settle with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and start to eat.

But I can't focus on the movie because of a certain green eyed someone.

I shake my head and let out a groan. "What the hell. . .?" I say, as I press my fingers into my eyes, as if trying to get Gale out of my mind.

"He was so nice to me!" I exclaim, exasperated. I fling my hands outward and settle my head against the top of the couch. "He drove me home! He joked with me!" I close my eyes tightly together and press my palms against them.

The movie plays in the background, but my mind is racing to fast that I don't even notice that it's almost ended.

I let a sigh escape my lips. My cheeks tingle with heat. Oh man, I think, pouting my lips slightly, I've got it bad.

I shut off the tv and slip off the couch, practically dragging my legs behind me as I climb the stairs, lost in thought.

I change into pajamas and slide under my covers, resting my eyes. That's when I hear it.

A knock on the door.

"Come on!" I groan, and push myself up from my comfortable bed and rush downstairs.

I hear the knock again. "Should I be answering the door at ten pm?" I wonder aloud.

I shrug. "If I die, so be it." I wrench open the door.

I can't believe my eyes.

Gale stands before me, bloodied and bruised. His beautiful green eyes are bloodshot and swollen, a bruise enveloping them. A cut lines one of his high cheekbones, and his nose and mouth drip blood. Bruises blossom over his neck and face, and his eyebrows are turned upward in pain. He seems lightheaded, as he sways on my doorstep. "Didn't know where else to go," he breathes, his voice faint.

Then he collapses.


Sorry this is short! I didn't know how to write this part in, so the first part is just random. I'll publish the next part of this right after I publish this one.  



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