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<><><>Adelaide's POV<><><>

My grip tightens around Gale's shirt, and I bury my head into his neck. My face is burning, a blush rising up my neck, cheeks, and ears. My heart thumps violently against my chest and I fear that he can feel it. But. . .

His is thumping just as violently.

My heart stops and I suck in a sharp breath. I pull back from the hug and we gaze at each other, before Gale breaks eye contact and turns his head, his ears bright red. He scratches his neck awkwardly, and twiddles with the bandages that are wrapped against his knuckles.

"Sorry," I mutter, offering a sheepish smile. He doesn't look at me, but swallows and nods.

" 's okay." Gale grumbles, clearing his throat. He turns back to me and I melt under his sea-glass gaze. "Thanks, though. For apologizing," he says hurriedly, "and for helping me out. I dunno what I would've done without you." We stare at each other for a moment, but not uncomfortably.

I cannot believe I'm talking civilly to Galileo Storms. And. We. Hugged.

A blush rises up my cheeks again. I have it bad for this boy.

Gale flutters his gaze away and picks at the bandaid that sticks to his cheek. "I should go." He says, and I feel a jolt in my stomach.

"Don't go," I blurt out, the words flying out of my mouth before I can stop them. I turn away, my face bright red. I glance out of the corner of my eyes to see Gale staring at me, his lips parted slightly and his face scarlet. I had made the Galileo Storms blush. Blush!

Gale clears his throat again, "uh. . . I-I have to get back home." He says in a shaky voice. He gets up suddenly, letting the blanket and pillow fall to the floor.

"Oh. . .okay." I let a soft smile play on my lips although disappointment rifles through me.

Gale smiles back at me, but a sort of unsure one. "Thanks though, I appreciate it." He twiddles with his thumbs. "Really," he says, looking up at me, "I do."

Those words make me, yet again, blush fiercely. "Anytime," I walk with him to the door. "Are you sure you'll be fine?" I ask, biting my cuticles as he grabs his keys out of his sweatshirt pocket.

"Yes." Gale nods, pausing in the doorway. "I'll be fine. Thank you, Adelaide." He adds quickly, and offers me a crooked smile- and I'm instantly reminded of his crooked grins that he used to give before he brother died. But only slightly.

I smile, but sadness racks my senses. "No problem, be safe, okay?"

Gale gives a thankful smile and a head nod and leaves. I watch his car pull out of my driveway, and my heart patters.

What is this boy doing to me?


Sorry for the short chapter!!!

Stay safe and healthy,


Luna :)

Forgive me, please?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora