6- The Plan

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It was getting less painful for me to walk so I was ready to do Kendall's plan. She suggested I make a Filipino themed date for him after school was done for them. I'd make his favourite foods but the date would be at Kendall's house as she have a free yard on the day we planned.

As I started to pack up the chicken adobo and rice that I'd made into a bag, I got a text from Kendall.

As I started to pack up the chicken adobo and rice that I'd made into a bag, I got a text from Kendall

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After I saw her message, I started making my way to Kendall's house. I was so worried, I was just hoping that he'd like it.

I got to Kendall's house, but before I stepped in I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. It was quite silent when I stepped in. I went to her kitchen guessing they were there but they weren't. I then walked into her living room and I wasn't prepared for what I saw.

My heart dropped, and my stomach ached even more when I saw Kendall and Jonathan. On the couch. Kissing.

They both turned as they realised I was there. A smirk across Kendall's face. I ran straight out.

"Tiana! Sh*t" Jonathan said as he went after me.

"You know I set up this date for us to eat Filipino food - I even made you this" I shouted as I gave him the bag of food.

He looked in the bag before rubbing a hand down his face.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't kn-"

"Don't worry. You gave her what she wanted. We're done." I said pointing at Kendall who was by the door, then walking home.

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