Time To Go Home

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Tony landed in front of the Hulk. Hulk roared and crushed a rock. Tony smiled and took his face plate off. "Having fun Hulk?" Tony asked. Hulk looked over and roared again. Tony stepped out of his armor and slowly walked toward the green beast. Hulk watched him.

"Time to calm down. We can go back to the tower and watch a movie. I can grab some ice cream as well." Tony smiled. Hulk huffed and sat down. Tony walked up to him and put a hand over Hulks green one. Slowly Hulk started turning into Bruce. His green skin turned into a pale color. Bruce closed his eyes and got his breathing under control. Tony smiled and leaned down to kiss his cheek.

"Tony." Bruce looked up at him and smiled. Tony ruffled his already messy hair.

"Welcome back Brucie." Tony helped Bruce up and they started walking to the quin jet. Tony's armor flew back home under Jarvis's control. They walked onto the jet and Tony sat Bruce down in a chair. He handed Bruce his headphones so he could listen to his classical music. Bruce gave him a small smile in thanks. Tony smiled and went up to the cockpit to fly the ship. Steve was bandaging a cut on his arm. Bucky was glaring at him.

"Hey Barnes, what's wrong with you?" Tony asked. Bucky looked over at him.

"Steve is an idiot who doesn't know when to stop." Bucky went back to glaring at Steve. Steve looked down to avoid looking at Bucky's face. Tony laughed and flew the jet away from the fight scene. Steve sent a glare up at Tony.

"Well raccoon, you should hear the shit Steve has done when you weren't here." Tony leaned back.

"The captain has done some reckless things." Thor said. Tony glanced back at his team.

"We all have done some stupid things. Besides you don't exactly have the cleanest record, Thor." Tony said, turning back to the sky.

When they all got back to the tower, Tony carried a sleeping Bruce inside. He walked into the elevator. "My floor please, J." Tony leaned back against the wall. Bruce sighed and nuzzles his head into Tony's neck. Tony smiled and kissed Bruce's temple. The elevator stopped on Tony's floor. He walked out and headed to the bedroom. He laid Bruce down on the bed and took of his boyfriends shoes and coat. Bruce sighed and stretched out. Tony smiled and took his own shoes off. He laid down and grabbed his Stark phone. He answers some Emails and messages. Tony yawned and set his phone down. Bruce hummed in his sleep and cuddled closer to Tony. Tony rolled over onto his side and wrapped an arm around Bruce.

Bruce woke up first when the sun started shining through the next morning. He looked over and saw Tony still asleep. His hair was a mess and his mouth was open a little. One of his arms was thrown over his chest, blocking some of the arc reactor's blue glow. Bruce leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Tony. Time to wake up." Bruce said softly. Tony groaned and rolled away. Bruce chuckled and sat up. He poked Tony's side. Tony squeaked and tried to move away.

"Bruuuuce. stop it I'm trying to sleep." Tony grumbled. Bruce smiled and poked him again.

"It's time to get up Tony." Tony yawned and stretched.

"Fine. What time is it?" Tony sat up. Bruce kissed his cheek and checked the time.


"Oh." Tony smiled sleepily. Bruce got up and started getting dressed. Tony watched him.

"Come on Tony." They both went down to eat breakfast with the team. Steve was making pancakes. They all laughed and talked. They made fun of each other. Tony smiled at his own family. Better then any he could ever ask for.

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