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Bruce was hiding. He had a logical reason as to why he was hiding. Peter came to the tower with a backpack full of different nerf guns and bullets. Now all the Avengers were playing a game of nerf war. Bruce had a gun of his own with back up ammo. He knew Tony was looking for him.

About 5 minutes has passed since Bruce started hiding in the closet. He thought he wasn't going to be found until he heard shoes walking toward it. Judging by how hard they were walking, Bruce knew it to be his boyfriend. With his gun drawn up and ready, Bruce waited for the ineffable attack.

The shoes stopped right outside the closet door. Bruce's heart was racing. "Oh Brucie come out." Tony taunted. He loved these games.

"You already know I'm gay, Tony." Bruce smiled, Gun still aimed at the door. Tony smiled from the other side.

"Yes sweetheart I know. Now come out of the closet and face me." Tony replied. Bruce shakes his head smiling.

"Its not going to be that easy Iron Man." Bruce stood up, his back against the wall.

Tony laughed. "So we are using our other names them Hulk." Tony took hold of the doorknob, getting ready to attack.

"Maybe. I would be careful anyway because if your not the Hulk might come out."

"I'll take my chances pretty boy." Then Tony opens the door quickly, firing shots as soon as he could. Bruce also fired at him until they both ran out of ammo. They both smiled and laughed, walking closer to each other. Tony pulled Bruce in by his hips planting a quick kiss to his lips.

"Good job Tony. You managed to find me, attack me and not bring out the other guy." Bruce wrapped his arms around Tonys short frame.

"And I managed to steal something." Tony smiled. Bruce looked confused.

"What did you steal?" Bruce asked.

"Your heart." Tony laughed at Bruces annoyed face.

"Wow Stark that's pretty cliché, even for you." Bruce kissed his cheek. Tony leaned into the touch, smiling still.

"Yes but you love it." Tony closed his eyes. He always felt calmer in his boyfriends arms. It felt like his anxiety and depression just melted away and in its place was someone who loved him and would always be there for him.

"Yes you're right I do love it." Bruce held him oblivious to Tonys inner thoughts.

They stayed like that until they heard two super soldiers making their way up the stairs. Tony smirked pulling away from Bruce and bending down, reloading one of the guns. Bruce smiled and reloaded the other one , already knowing what Tony was thinking.

They both hid in the closet with the door open some so they could see. They had to wait a couple minutes before they say Steve and Bucky through the crack of the door. They waited until their backs were turned before they jumped out and shot the soldiers. Steve yelled and fired back. Bucky used is metal arm to try and shield the rain of bullets while firing his own gun.

Soon both sides ran out of ammo. Tony and Bruce were laughing so hard that they doubled over. Steve had on a confused and slightly hurt face that made the boys laugh harder. Bucky looked like he was about to grab a real gun and use that instead but soon he was smiling and chuckling at steves face.

After they all calmed down, they cleaned up their mess. "Wanda and Natasha made snacks." Steve chimed in after they finished cleaning.

"Awesome im starving." Tony replied.

"I don't know how. You ate a whole tub of ice cream by yourself this morning instead of actually eating a real breakfast." Bruce told him.

"Tony." Steve started, switching back into Captain Mother.

"Bruce what the hell thanks for calling me out like that." Tony playfully punched Bruces arm. Steve shooked his head, sighing.

"You cant get mad at him for doing that Steven. Remember back way back when you used to eat candy instead of meals because you thought it was cheaper." Bucky said walking behind Steve as the group walked to the elevator. Tony pulled up his best shocked face while trying not to laugh. Steve looked both annoyed and embarrassed, mumbling under his breath. The whole group then smiled and laughed.

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