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Bruce and Tony were working in the lab one day. They stopped one of their villains a few days back so they were all taking it easy and resting. For these two, working in the lab on an experiment or project is resting. At the moment they were creating a new robot brother for Dum-E. Said robot was buzzing around the lab knocking tings over and making enough noise to wake the dead. Bruce and Tony were used to this enough that they ignored him. They would eventually clean the mess up later.

A few hours later, the smaller robot was finished. It could bring things to them, had a built in blue tooth speaker that Jarvis could connect to and play music wherever they take him. It could also detect electric waves and hot spots on projects. It might not be the most useful robot, but they made him together and Dum-E liked him.

While they were cleaning up Tony had a thought. He was known to play around with Bruce and Bruce was typically ready. Only a couple times Tony managed to catch him off guard and make him angry enough to draw the Hulk out. This time, Tony had a different plan. Walking up behind Bruce, Tony pinched his sides lightly. Bruce jumped and turned to look at Tony. "Tony what the hell?"

"So you are ticklish." Tony stated with a smile. Very useful information. Bruce started backing away, a small smile teasing his mouth.

"Stark don't even think about it." Bruce told him and of course Tony didn't listen. Tony started slowly approaching Bruce. Bruce turned and bolted, smiling as he ran. Tony ran after him smiling as well. Tony caught Bruce, making them both fall to the ground. Tony sat on top of him, tickling his sides. Bruce laughed loudly trying to get away from the torture. Tony kept him pinned laughing along with him.

Eventually, Bruce kicked Tony off of him. Tony was smiling widely, looking at him. Bruce want trying to catch his breath, smiling still. "Oh I'm going to love this." Tony told him, standing up.

"No more Tony please." Bruce looked up at him. Tony held his hand out for Bruce. Bruce took it and with Tony's help, he stood up. Tony pulled him into a kiss which Bruce gladly kissed back. When they pulled away, both men were smiling.

"Don't worry Brucie, I wont attack right now. But that doesn't mean I wont later." Tony moved, dodging a punch to his shoulder. They both laughed, Tony wrapping an arm around Bruce's waist pulling him close.

"Dinner is ready." Jarvis told them. They both nodded and headed upstairs. When they walked into the kitchen they saw everyone already sitting, besides Steve and Bucky. Those two were the ones cooking.

"Please do not burn down my house." Tony smiled, sitting down. Bruce sat down next to him, reaching over grabbing his hand.

"Shut up Stark. We know how to cook." Bucky spoke up.

"Really since when?" Tony shot back.

"Since the 1930s." Bucky turning around to glare at him.

"Enough boys." Steve said, bringing over the food.

"Yes dad." Tony smiled, serving himself and Bruce.

"I am older then you Rogers." Bucky smiled, kissing his boyfriends cheek.

"By one year." Steve smiled. Tony started eating listening to the chatter around him. Bruce leaned over and kissed his cheek. Tony looked at him and smiled.

"I love you." Bruce told him.

"I love you too Bruce." Tony smiled more. They both ate dinner. Tony had to admit it was good, but he wasn't going to tell them and have Bucky tease him more.

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