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Bruce curled up in his weighted blanket. He was shaking to much to hold himself up. He was laying on his bed, his glasses laying on the nightstand beside his bed. He let out a sob. His mind was taking over. Nightmares and old memories coming back to haunt him. Bruce kept reliving all his bad choices and childhood trauma. It was getting to overwhelming. Bruce screamed into his pillow. He thought about ending the pain but he knew Tony needed him. Bruce couldn't talk to him right now. He wouldn't know how to tell him.

Tony finished his project in the lab and decided to go upstairs and talk to Bruce. His boyfriend has been acting off lately. he has been more distant and emotionless. Tony knew something was up when Bruce flinched when Tony went to hugged him the other day. Tony got into the elevator and rode it up to Bruce's floor.

Tony stepped out and noticed all the lights were out and there was a faint crying noise. Tony got worried and bolted for Bruce's room. When Tony went into the room all he saw was a Bruce shaped lump on the bed. The blanket was shaking and crying. Tony walked over and very gently put a hand on Bruce's shoulder. Bruce flinched and tried to move away. Tony sighed sadly and sat down. "Brucie." Tony kept his voice soft and quiet. Bruce whimpered and curled up more. Tony very gently pulled his boyfriend close. Bruce knew Tony wouldn't hurt him. Bruce clung tightly onto Tony. Tony hummed softly and rubbed his back.

"It's ok Bruce. I'm here. You're ok." Tony kept quietly talking to him. Bruce burred his face into Tony's chest, careful of the reactor. Tony held him close.

About an hour later of them holding onto each other and Tony calming Bruce down, Bruce lifted his head up. His cheeks were tear stained and his eyes puffy and red. Tony rubbed a thumb over his cheek lightly. Bruce leaned into it and closed his eyes. "Thank you Tony." Bruce said, his voice scratchy and weak from crying and yelling. Tony kissed his forehead and pulled him closer into him.

"You don't have to thank me Bruce. You needed me. I'm always gonna be here for you. Good days or bad days. You're stuck with me. I love you." Tony felt another sob wrack Bruce's body. Bruce held onto Tony more and whimpered.

"I love you too Tony." Bruce yawned, knowing his body and mind had had enough and now needs rest. Tony felt the yawn and pulled the blanket over them.

"Sleep Bruce. I'll be here when you wake up." Tony told him, keeping his voice quiet. Bruce smiled weakly into Tony's neck and closed his eyes. Tony played some classical music he knew always calmed Bruce down. Jarvis lowered the room temperature for them. Tony kept rubbing Bruce's back. Bruce relaxed and cuddled into his boyfriend.


"Yes Bruce." Tony looked down at him. He now noticed Bruce's skin was a faint green, meaning if Tony didn't come up when he did, the Hulk could have made an appearance.

"Please don't ever leave me." Bruce yawned. Tony held him close and kissed the top of his head.

"I won't leave you Bruce. I promise you."

"I love you." Bruce mumbled, falling asleep. Tony smiled.

"I love you too Bruce. I always will. And I'll always be here when your demons want to play." Tony relaxed and closed his eyes. It wasn't long before he was asleep as well. Bruce smiled softly in his sleep, knowing he was loved and safe with Tony.

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