I Can't Find It

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Where did I put it?" Tony thought to himself. He has been destroying his lab and bedroom trying to find the special thing that he lost. "Come on I need it tonight."

Bruce was out in the kitchen with Nat, cooking lunch and talking. "Where's Tony?" Nat asked when she finished fixing the rest of the sandwiches.

"I'm not sure. He said he lost something this morning and was going to try and find it. I haven't really seen him since."

"Maybe we should go check up on him and tell him lunch is ready. He needs to eat something today besides a protein shake."

"I'll go see." Bruce walked out of the kitchen with a couple sandwiches. If Tony hasn't found what he was looking for yet he highly doubts he will eat.

Tony was back in the lab. He looked over at Dum-E and that's when he remembered, he built a special small drawer into him so he could hid it. Tony walked over to Dum-E and knelt down. Opening the drawer, he found exactly what he was looking for. Tony heard footsteps and quickly put what he found into his pocket and with perfect timing to because Bruce walked in.

Bruce walked into the lab and found it destroyed. Everything was everywhere. Bruce saw his boyfriend of two years knelt in front of one of his robots. "Tony what did you do? It looks like a tornado decided to pay a visit." Bruce said, walking over to Tony. He have him one of the sandwiches then sat down in the only chair that wasn't laying on its side.

"I was looking for something and good news. I have found my treasure at last." Tony told him, biting into his sandwich.

"Good. So what were you looking for anyway?" Bruce asked, taking a bite of his own.

"Just something very special. Hey Brucie want to go to dinner tonight."

"Date night?"

"Sure. We haven't been on one in a while, why not."

"I'd love to Tony." Bruce relaxed back in his seat, still eating his food. Dum-E rolled away and came back a minute later with a rubber ball. Tony took it and threw it for him. They stayed like that for a while, Tony playing fetch with his robot and Bruce watching them with a fond smile.

Once 9:00 rolled around, Bruce and Tony were already in one of Tony's cars going to their date. Tony made reservations for a fancy place Bruce couldn't remember the name of. Tony pulled up in front and they both got out. They walked in and got seated right away.

An hour later, they were eating their desserts. To say Tony was scared was an understatement. Tony reached under the table and felt his pocket. Still there. After dessert was finished, Tony knew it was now or never. He got up and Bruce looked at him with a questioning look in his eyes. Tony walked over to him and knelt down, grabbing what was inside his pocket. Before he could even say anything or show the ring, Bruce was already starting to tear up.

"Brucie I know we haven't always gotten along or anything, but you have made me the happiest I've been since I came back from that cave years ago. I know we have fought and yelled and almost broke up many times. I also know that I'm not the easiest person to be with or live with. You already know that sometimes I skip eating and sleeping to finish something or because of nightmares. But you try to help me and you don't leave when everyone else has. I love you probably more then I love being Iron Man so will you please do me the honors of marrying me." By the time Tony could finish, the whole restaurant was watching with baited breath and Bruce was crying. The next thing Tony knows is that now he has a lapful of a crying Bruce Banner who keeps whispering something.

"What are you saying Bruce."

"I'm sating yes Tony. Yes." The whole restaurant erupted into cheers. Tony kissed Bruce with as much love and affection as he could when in a public place. Bruce kissed back just as much. After they pulled away Tony put the ring on Bruce with a big smile. The ring had small green and red gems side by side in the middle. Bruce thought it was perfect. Tony couldn't wait to get home.

Everyone was happy when they told the rest of the team the next day. They all went out for celebratory ice cream. Tony had a huge smile on his face the rest of that day.

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