Rest Now

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Tony was dying. He knew he was. He felt his systems shutting down and the world getting darker. Tony tried to take a deep breath, but stopped when his chest screamed in pain. Tony felt someone by his side, taking his hand. Tony slowly looked over and say Bruce. He was trying to smile with tears in his eyes. Bruce reached a hand up, gently cupping his cheek and wiping some blood off his lip. Tonys breath stuttered. Bruce leaned closer to him and kissed his forehead. "It's ok Tony. I love you." Bruce told him softly. Tony whimpered in pain and closed his eyes.
"Love... you....too." Tony mumbled. He was quickly loosing consciousness. Bruce let out a sob and held his husband closer.
"I know baby. You need to rest now. I'm so proud of you Tony. You did so good, but you need to rest now. I got the kids." Bruce closed his eyes and buried his face in Tony's hair. Tony nodded some and let the darkness consume him.
The day was sunny. It was beautiful. The flowers by the lake were in full bloom. There was a semi large crowd gathered by the lakes edge. Everyone was looking out at a small wreath with a prosthetic metal heart in the middle. Bruce had Miles on his hip, crying into his dad's shoulder. Peter and Morgan were hugging each other, also crying. Rhody was standing beside Bruce with a hand on his shoulder to help steady him. Bruce was silently crying and watching the wreath. Bruce reached up to his neck and grasped a heart shaped locket that has some of his husbands ashes in it. Each of the kids also have one. Bruce closed his eyes and turned to the house. He walked away from the gathering and lake. The other two kids followed him inside. Peter and Morgan went to their room and Bruce sat Miles in his play pen. Miles sat down and played with his toys. Bruce smiled softly and went into the kitchen. Steve walked inside the house and followed him. Bruce poured them both a drink, not caring about the alcohol effects or the Hulk. Steve clicked their glasses and took a drink with him. Bruce sniffled and sat down. Steve put a hand on his shoulder. "I can take Miles tonight if you want me to. Peter said him and Morgan were gonna go over to Sam's place." Steve's voice was quiet when he spoke. Almost like he was afraid to break the silence. Bruce thought about it and nodded. He just wanted to be alone tonight. Steve nodded back and finished his drink. They stayed in the kitchen until the lunch was ready. Sam and Bucky cooked. Bruce ate and fed Miles while listening to stories about his husband. Bruce chuckled sadly at a couple of them. They were all grieving. Bruce checked the time as Steve cane over to see if Miles was ready. Bruce sent his son off with a kiss to the forehead and a warning to be good.
When everyone left, Bruce sat in the living room with the Iron Man helmet on the table. Bruce yelled and kicked it. Next thing he knew, his husband's hologram appeared smiling softly. Then he started speaking. "Hey babe. If you're seeing this it probably means I'm gone. Damn I didn't want to leave you or the kids alone. I just wanted to tell you, all of you, that I love you guys so much. You're the best thing that has ever happened in my life. My dad said I was his greatest creation, and for a while I didn't believe him. I'm glad he told me though, cause it makes me look at my family and thank the old man. Before you guys, I was a mess. Thank you so much for allowing me to be in your life. I love you guys 3,000." Tony smiled sadly as he faded out. Bruce cried the rest of the night.

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