It's Your Turn

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Bruce leaned down over Tony's sleeping body. It was well past two in the morning and Tony was out like a light. Bruce was awake for one reason and one reason only. Peter. Their baby decided he was going to wake up early and climb up the walls in his room. Now he was stuck to the ceiling and Bruce couldn't get him down. "Tony. If you dont get your ass out of bed in exactly one minute, I will unleash the Hulk on you and you won't like it." Bruce whispered very quietly in his husband's ear.
"Mm." Tony mumbled, shifting in his sleep. The room was casted in a dull blue light coming from the Arc Reactor. Bruce sighed.
"Hard way it is then." Bruce stepped back from the bed then he smirked. Tony hasn't moved a muscle. Bruce ran and jumped on the bed, directly beside Tony. Between the force of the jump and Bruce quickly laying down and kicking Tony out of bed, Tony woke up with a yell and on the floor. The blankets were scattered around him and Tony looked around, trying to find the source of his problem. Bruce sat up and smiled proudly to himself. Tony stood up and glared at him.
"What the hell, Bruce." Tony asked him, irritation clear in his voice.
"I said it was your turn." Bruce got off the bed and started for the door.
"My turn for what?" Tony followed him out of their room. Bruce lead him to Peter's room and pointed to the ceiling. Peter looked down at his dads and giggled. Tony sighed and punched the bridge of his nose.
"Hes stuck and I cant get him down." Bruce told him. Tony nodded.
"I'll do get the broom."
"Tony. No. We are not using a broom to get our son off the ceiling. Are you an idiot?" Bruce glared at the other genius. Tony looked back at him and made an exaggerated hand gesture.
"Well you did wake me up, rudely, at two in the morning."
"Oh stop being a child and help me get our kid down." Bruce walks over so he was standing under Peter. Tony grumbled to himself, then walked over.
It was an hour later before they managed to get their baby down. Tony sat on the bed in their room with Peter sitting on his lap. Bruce was in the babys room trying to find a way to spider baby proof it. Tony yawned and grabbed his phone. Peter yawned and cuddled into his dad. Tony smiled and kissed the top of his head. As he was reading his messages, Bruce walked back into the room. Peter was already asleep in Tony's arms. "I think I managed to fix it."
"That's good." Tony set his phone down and reached his free hand out to Bruce. Bruce walked over and took it, sitting down on the bed beside him. Tony leaned over and kissed his cheek.
"We should really get something done about that though. I just fear hes gonna get hurt." Bruce said. He laid his head down on Tony's shoulder and cuddled into his side, careful of Peter.
"I'll go down to the lab tomorrow and get something made up. But for now get some rest. Pete is gonna be fine. Hes a strong kid." Tony wasnt even half way done with what he was saying before he heard a faint snore coming from his husband. Tony gently pulled a blanket up over all three of them and held his family close. Tony looked up at the ceiling and smiled to himself, thankful for his chaotic self made family. He had an amazing team, with spouses of their own. He had a good life and a loving husband with their troublemaker son. He felt almost untouchable.

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