34. Halloween

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Cathy POV
I smile as Mae runs over to Kat who was dressed as Mario. "Cathy! Do you like my costume?" Kat asks and I nod,

"It's awesome Kat!" I exclaim and she smiles, Anne runs over to Jane who was standing next to me and making cupcakes.

"Mama." Anne says and Jane looks at Anne,

"What's up buba?" Jane asks and I give her a small smile,

"I want a cupcake." Anne says and Jane kisses her head,

"You can have one when they're done. But you have to eat all your vegetables at dinner."

"Even the carrots?" Anne asks and Jane nods,

"Even the carrots." Jane repeats and Anne whines before walking away, I giggle and Jane starts putting the cupcake batter into the little thingys that you put the cupcake batter into because almighty Tortule child knows what she's talking about. "I love Halloween." Jane says and I smile,

"You never liked it when I scared you-"

"That's because I don't like being scared." Jane says and I laugh,

"But it's funny when you get scared." I say and Jane playfully shoved me,

"Shut up Parr." She says and I laugh,

"Okay Seymour." I say and she smiles before putting the cupcakes in the oven. She kisses my cheek and I blush,

"Mommy and Cathy sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G-"

"Kat. No." Jane says and Kat stops,

"Fine." Kat says and Mae smiles and hugs her before walking upstairs, probably to grab a blanket or something.

"Hey, I'm gonna go grab a sweatshirt, I'll be back." I say and she nods, I run upstairs as Mae runs downstairs wrapped in a blanket. I giggle and run into my room and open my closet. I grab my sweatshirt and then I saw my guitar from when I was in highschool, I smile and grab it seeing a notebook. Why do I always have notebooks all over the house? I grab it and smile before running downstairs with both my guitar and notebook and run downstairs.

"Ooooo! A guitar!" Anne exclaims and runs towards me, "is it yours?" Anne asks and I nod,

"Yep." I say and smile sadly knowing that it was actually my dads.

"Do you know how to use it?" She asks and I nod and sit down, she sits down next to me and I smile. "What songs do you know?" Anne asks and I smile,

"I know My Little Sunshine." I say and Anne frowns,

"Francis thinks it's a baby song." Anne says,

"Well do you like the song?" I ask and Anne nods,

"Mommy sings it sometimes." Anne says and I look at Jane who was smiling,

"Then don't care what any one else thinks." I say and Anne nods,

"Okay. Will you play it?" Anne asks and I start playing it.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray." Jane sings and runs over to Anne and picks her up like a baby,

"Mooommmm!" Anne complains and Jane giggles,

"You'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine awayyyyy." Jane sings and Anne whines,

"Mommy! Put me downnnn!" Anne whines and Jane sets her down, "Thank you." Anne says and sits down,

"You're welcome." Jane says and I hear the timer go off,

"Dinners done!" I exclaim and Mae stands up,

"Yay!" Anne exclaims and all the kids run to the table.

After dinner
Jane POV
I smile as Cathy plays a tune on her guitar. "That sounds really pretty Cathy." I say and she stops playing and smiles,

"Thanks." She says and Kat holds up a bucket,

"Can we go trick or treating now?" She asks and I nod,

"YESSSSS!" Anne exclaims and stands up and runs to the door.

After trick or treating
Anne curls up on the floor and falls asleep which makes me giggle. "Mommy," Kat says and I sit on the floor and she sits in my lap and hugs me. "I'm sleepy," Kat says and I look at Cathy.

"You guys can stay here tonight." Cathy says and I nod,

"Thank you." I say and I could hear Kats quiet snores, I smile and pick Kat up and lay her down on the couch.

"Both the girls can sleep in Maes bed because both Mae and Kat are tiny." Cathy says and I pick up Kat while Mae stands up and walks upstairs, "and Anne can have one of my t-shirts if she wants." Cathy says and I nod, I walk upstairs and Kat lifts her head up.

"Buba. Why don't you get on some Pajamas then you can go to sleep." I say and Kat nods and I set her on Maes bed before Mae hands me a pair of pajamas.

"Those are for Kat." Mae says and rubs her eyes, I smile and she hugs my leg. "Night Janey." Mae says and Cathy walks in and wipes the nose that she had drew off of Mae and Mae sneezes.

"Bless you." I say and she smiles and lays down. I lay Kat down and she moves closer to Mae and hugs her. I smile and Cathy walks in with Anne with Cathys t-shirt on her. "Awwww," I say and Cathy giggles and lays Anne down next to Kat. Cathy quickly takes a picture of them all cuddling and I smile before we both walk out and into Cathys room.

"You can pick anything from my closet." Cathy says and I open her closet to see one of my jumpers.

"Cathy?" I ask and she turns around,

"Yeah?" She asks and I hold up my jumper,

"How long have you had this?" I ask and she blushes,

"Um, a-after w-we broke up." Cathy says and I nod and grab it before walking into the bathroom and change.

10 minutes later
I lay down next to Cathy and she smiles. "Cathy?" I ask and she nods, "w-will you be my girlfriend?" I ask and she sits up....



Not gonna update dis till later so enjoy your torture : ) 

Random Fact: so everyone in my faniky either sneezes really loud or sneezes two times in a row  (everyone except for me) so instead of saying bless you we say 'they come in doubles'  and they just know that we mean 'bless you'

- Tortule Buddyyyyyyy🐢🐢🐢

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