29. She's not my fairy

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Jane POV
"I think Cathy's your fairy." Kat mumble falling asleep and my eyes widen. Cathy. She's not... well maybe... She's not. I sigh and walk over to Anne's bed,

"I think Kats right Mommy." Anne mumbles and I pull the blanket to her shoulders, I move her hair out of her face and kiss her head.

"She's not bu-"

"How do you know?" Anne asks and I shrug,

"I just do-"

"You don't. All the things you told Kitty is exactly everything you do with Cathy. Y-you used to be mad at her and now you're always in your phone because you're talking to Cathy. A-and you smile so much when you're around her. Mommy, I haven't seen you this happy since you've been my forever family." Anne says and I give her a small smile,

"Annie, she's not my fairy." I whisper and I hand her, her stuffed animal named Robby.

"She is," Anne says and falls asleep.

2 hours later
I sit on my phone,

Janey: Annie and Kat both think that Cathy's my fairy

Edward: that's because she is

Janey: she's not

Edward: and why isn't she?

Janey: because she just isn't

Edward: Jane, I called you the other day on FaceTime and you were just so happy. I haven't seen you that happy since you and Cathy broke up.

Janey: what about when I adopted Annie and Kat?

Edward: you were sooo happy, but then you just stoped smiling and now that Cathy's back you haven't stopped smiling.

Janey: she's not my fairy Edward.

Edward: hm sorry? What's that? I just can't read that text you just sent me,

Janey: I hate you

Edward: yeah, sure. Whatever. Night Janey

Janey: night butt nugget

Edward: 🙄

2 weeks later
I smile and help Anne out of the car. "UNCLE EDDIE!" She screams seeing Edward,

"ANNIE!" Edward shouts and Anne jumps into his arms, "I missed you!" He exclaims and Anne hugs him,

"I missed you too!" She exclaims and Kat tugs at my pants (trousers) I look down and saw her about ready to cry. I get down on one knee and hold my arms out, she hugs me and I kiss her head.

"What's wrong?" I ask and she nuzzles her head into my neck,

"There's too many people." She mumbles and I pick her up,

"You'll be okay. I've got you." I say and Mom walks over, "look who's coming." I whisper in her ear and she looks up and starts smiling,

"Mimi!" She exclaims and Mom runs over and takes Kat out of my arms.

"Kitty!" Mom exclaims and I smile as Mom takes Kat over to the trees.

"Uncle Eddie?" Anne asks and Edward nods his head,

"What's up?" He asks and Anne looks at me,

"Did you know a girl named Cathy Parr?" Anne asks and he nods,

"I did. She was over almost every weekend." Edward says looking at me,

"So would you say that Cathy could be Mommy's fairy?" Anne asks and they both look at me,

"Oh Cathy is definitely her fairy." Edward says and Anne sticks her tongue out,

"That's 3 against 1 Mommy. Also can we take pictures with you camera?" Anne asks looking at Edward, he nods and they walk away.

"She's not my fairy!" I exclaim and Edward glares,

"Is too!" Anne and Edward yell and I roll my eyes.

2 hours later
"Oh my gosh! She isn't!" I exclaim and Edward motions for me to step to the right,

"Smile." He says and I smile, "she is!" Edward exclaims and I roll my eyes,

"She's not Edward!" I exclaim and Anne runs in and I pick her up and Edward takes our picture.

"Adorable. Now Anne kiss your moms cheek. And, Jane stop arguing with me! She is your fairy and you can't change that!" He exclaims and Anne kisses my cheek making me smiles and giggle.

"She's not my fairy." I say and Anne smiles, Kat runs over and Anne gets Kat on her back and she smiles as Edward takes another picture.

He stops taking pictures and we go through them all, my phone dings and I grab it.

Cathy: Hello

I smile and Edward looks at me. "It's Cathy isn't it?" He asks and I glare,

"Shut up." I say and Kat smiles,

Jane: heyyyy

Cathy: I know you're at your parents and stuff but Mae won't quit talking about how you guys need to come over again. And, I was wondering if maybe, if you guys wanted too, we could go to the beach tomorrow.

Jane: sounds like a plan Ms.Parr

Cathy: great, I'll tell Mae

Jane: okay. Bye!

Cathy: byeeeee

I smile more and Anne runs over. "Cathy texted you didn't she!" Anne exclaims and I nod, "Yay!" She exclaims and I giggle,

"You wanna go to the beach tomorrow?" I ask and Anne nods and Kat runs over smiling.

"Mommy! Look what I found!" Kat exclaims holding up a picture of me and Cathy at our spot. I still go there, just not as much as I used too.

"Wow! That's an old picture!" I exclaim and Kat smiles,

"How old?!" She asks and I smile,

"Around 12 years." I say and Kats mouth hangs open,

"That's almost as old as Mimi!" Kat exclaims and I look at Mom,

"Mimi's 45-"

"No! She's nineteen!" Anne exclaims and Mom laughs,

"That's right," Mom says and the girls smile.

"Janey, come here!" Edward shouts and I smile
running over. "So I was thinking of ways you could ask Cathy ou-"

"NOPE!" I shout and walk away,

"I didn't even get to tell you the really romantic one!" He exclaims and I giggle.

Heyyyyy, sooooo.... rawr... I can't wait for a few chapters later, *sighs* it's gonna be great.

Random Fact: I was forced to go on a walk and I got a headache because where we went they had these waterfalls and they smelt LIKE POO! Like it was soooo stanky


-Tortule buddyyyyy🐢🐢🐢

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