6. Realization

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maeve_dancer JaneSuddenlySeymour Cathy in a nutshell in the beginning of the chapter.

A week later
Cathy POV

I hold onto my coffee mug, I was outside. I throw my coffee mug on the ground,  why does Jane make me so confused yet completely happy? Why do I like Jane? I'm StRaIgHt, not lesbian, right. Mom walks outside "GO AWAYYYYY! I DON'T WANNA TALK TO YOUUUU." I say and she walks back inside. I sit on the ground and stare at the trees, it was fall so the leaves were changing colors, wait it's Halloween.

I walk inside and saw William getting dressed, he was in elementary but we dropped him off at the middle school because the elementary was only a few blocks away from the middle school. He was dressing up as Harry Potter this year, he runs towards me

"How do I look?" He asks

"Like Harry Potter" I say,

"That was my goal so I must look fabulous" he says and I smile, Elizabeth walks downstairs.

"Cathy who the hell is Jane and why does she keep calling you?" She asks, I run to her and grab my phone, I answer her call.

"Hi! It's Halloween!" Jane exclaims through the phone,

"Happy Halloween!" I say and Jane laughs,

"I can be who I want to be and high note that I'm not gonna try to hit even though it's going to annoy Thomas." She says in a sing song voice and I laugh,

"So how's Dorthy looking in her Dorthy costume?" I ask, Dorthy was dressing up as Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz,

"Like Dorthy. She's trying to convince me to dress up as the wicked witch of the west and I'm not doing it." She says, I shut my door and sit on my bed. "Have you slept at all today?" She asks

"No. I've been breaking some coffee mugs." I say and I could just picture her raising her eyebrow

"Well, that's interesting. But, do you maybe wanna come with me and Dorthy to go trick or treating?" She asks

"Sure, I'll come to your house in like 15 minutes" I say

"Okay, byeeee" she says

"Byeeee." I say and hang up, my heart was beating really fast the whole time.

"Cathy, why are you blushing so much?" Taylor asks

"I-I dunno." I say and she walks out, I walk downstairs, Mom looks at me confused "don't ask, I don't know." I say but she looks at me

"Cathy why does your face look like the red teletubby?" Mom ask

"I don't know. I'm going to Janes house, I'm going trick or treating with her and her little sister." I say

"Okay just be home before midnight" she says and I give her a thumbs up.

Jane POV
"Wait so you mean to tell me that you just saw her and did this. 'Oooo she's cute. GIRLFRIEND." Elizabeth pauses and pretends to walk towards Cathys locker "HIYA, I'M JANE AND YOUR CUTE, COME OVER TO MY HOUSE AND WE WILL CUDDLE!" She yells, and I nod

"That's seriously me in a nutshell." I say

"Jane! That's dumb but it's cute! OH MI GAWD! I gotta call my friends we gotta think of a ship name ( now that's me in a nutshell) she grabs her phone "code rainbow 63" she says and she puts the phone on speaker

"Oh my god Jane has a crush," one of her friends say

"Yes! Now ship name! Her crushes name is Cathy Parr." One of her friends gasp

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