14. Girlfriend?

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Cathy POV
"Oh y'know I-I um, yeah I got nothing" I say, trying to make up a lie about what happened.

"Yeah, so what's you do?" Mom asks and I take off my shoes,

"Me and Jane went painting somewhere" I say and Mom looks at me smiling, I smile back and run upstairs and take a shower.

Jane POV
The next day
I was sitting on the couch next to Edward. "Can I try to take a few pictures of you? It doesn't have to be much just some in the snow" He asks and I nod

"I guess" I say and run upstairs, I grab my jumper, I honestly really want to cuddle with Cathy right now. I grab my phone,

Sleep deprived cutie🥰: morning

Janey💞: good morning

Sleep deprived cutie🥰: can you still come over today?

Janey💞: yeah

Sleep deprived cutie🥰: you can come over whenever,

Janey💞: okie, Edward wants to take a few pictures so I'll come over after that

Sleep deprived cutie🥰: okay, byeeeeee

Janey💞: byeeeee

I shut my phone off and run downstairs and Edward was holding a gray beanie, "put this on, Mom doesn't want your ears to fall off" Edward says and I take it and put it on. We walk outside, "so it's almost Christmas. You excited?" He asks and I nod, I smile thinking of what I'm gonna get Cathy for Christmas. "What are you gonna get Cathy?" He asks and I smile,

"I'm not going to tell you" I say and he groans and takes another picture, I grab some snow and throw it at him as he's taking a picture.

"FLUP! JANE! This is freezinggggg!" He says,

"Look at the picture you took" I say and he looks and gasps

"I like this one. That's all you have to do right now."

"I'm going to Cathys so I'll be home later" I say and he gives me a thumbs up. I run back inside and out the front door. "Bye!" I yell and shut the door, I walk to Cathys house.

At Cathy house
I knock on the door, Cathy opens the front door wearing a blue jumper and jeans, she looked warm. "Hi" she says and she walks outside and looks at the window, she kisses my cheek and hugs me. "I missed you" she says and I hug her,

"I missed you too. Gosh I've been wanting to cuddle all morning" I say and she smiles at me, she pulls away from the hug and takes my hand, she pulls me inside.

"Do I still have to not look at your mom?" I ask and she nods

"I mean unless you wanna not be able to hear for a couple hours." She says and I laugh, I look down and Cathy pulls me by the couch "Hi mom, bye mom" Cathy says and we run to her room. She locks the door and I sit on her bed, she sits down next to me and grabs he guitar and goes to put it down, I stop her and she sets it next to her.

"Will you play a song?" I ask,

"I-I uh sure" she says and she grabs it, she starts playing a song, I smile when she starts singing. When she finished I was smiling so much, she sets the guitar on the floor and I wrap my arms around her waist, she smiles at me and lets me hold her. I lay down her following my actions, I draw patterns on her arm and she grabs something from behind me, a stuffed animal with a bow tie. She smiles sadly at it, I kiss her head and she snuggles close to me,

"So is this Bow Tie?" I ask and she nods, I wrap my arms around her and she smiles. "Christmas is only a few days away." I say and she smiles,

"And I have an idea on what I'm gonna get you." Cathy says and I smile, she cuddles into my neck and hugs Bow Tie. She smiles when I start rubbing my hand up and down her arm.

"What are you gonna be when you graduate?" I ask and she smiles,

"A writer, and I'll write plays and books, and other stuff. I dunno, I might perform but I have really bad stage fright so that probably won't happen." Cathy says, I smile

"Well I want to perform in a musical. And, I'll help you write some plays and musicals." I say and she smiles,

"And, I'll be ready to cuddle after every show you have." Cathy says and I smile,

"I'll look forward to every cuddle" I say and kiss her head,

"I never liked cuddles until I met you" she says and she gives me a look. "I didn't like a lot of things until I met you"

"Like what?"

"Like cuddles, hugs, holding hands, painting, I still don't like feelings that much, I didn't like girls, uh what else. Oh and I didn't like staying up till 5 in the morning everyday." She says and I giggle, "your laugh gives me butterflies." She says and I smile,

"When you hold my hand I get butterflies." I say and she reaches for my hand, she interlocks our fingers and I blush and get the feeling of butterflies.

"And you blush too." She says laughing,

"I always blush when I'm around you" I say and she giggles making me blush more,

"C-can I ask you a question?" She asks nervously and I nod, she sits up and I follow her movement. "Y-you don't have to say y-yes but I-I just want-wanted t-to ask i-if you'd, you'd want to be m-my my g-girlfriend. I-I k-know we haven't been d-dating for th-that long-" I cut her off my kissing her, she brings her hands to my face and kisses me back. I pull away,

"Yes I want to be your girlfriend" I say and Cathy smiles at me, I peck her lips and she blushes. I poke her stomach making her giggle,

"Stop, I don't wanna be tickled" she says and I bring my hands up, "Jane, don't do it." She says and I start tickling her. She rolls over trying to get me to stop tickling her, she tried to stop me from moving my hands. She keeps laughing and just ends up holding her stomach from laughing so much. I stop tickling her and she lays down on her stomach so that I couldn't tickle her,

"That was fun"

"My stomach hurts from laughing so much" She says and turns over, I put my hands on her stomach and starts drawing patterns, she smiles at me. I stop after a few minutes and Cathy whines, "I wanna take a nap" she says and I lay down, she grabs Bowie and moves next to me. We get under her blankets and cuddle close to each other, I lay on my side and Cathys does the same but turns over so that she was facing me. I kiss her and she closes her eyes,

"Night Cathy" I say

"Night Janey" she says and we both fall asleep

Heyyyyyyyy. Next chapter is Christmas sooooo weeeeeeeeeee. I hope you liked the chapter.

Random Fact: if I leave my door open my cat likes to come and wake me up at 4 in the morning by purring and rubbing her face on mine.


-ScReEcHiNg ToRtUlLlLlLlEeEeEeE🐢🐢🐢

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