8. Maybe not

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Cathy  POV
"I-" She pause,

"You what?" I ask

"I-I wanted to talk about your crush." She says

"Oh, I guess I can tell you a little bit." I say and she smiles

"Yesssss. I've been waiting for this day." She says and I laughs

"Well she's nice and sometime silly, she's the best. She makes me confused and makes me happy, like I could do everything wrong and come back to her and I would be fine and happy. She's kinda like a fairy in a way, she tries not to get hurt and tries not to hurt other people, but willing to help anyone even if they're mean." I say smiling, I get nervous scared she'll find out it's her. "Is that all you wanted to know?" I ask and she nods

"Yeah, that's what I wanted to know." She says and smiles at me, here come the butterflies.

The next day

Jane POV
Cathy has just left and I grabbed my phone and called Edward. "Hello?" He asks sleepily

"Hi," I say

"So what'd Cathy say?" He asks waking up,

"She didn't say anything, because I got nervous and backed out." I say and he gasps

"You did what?!" He exclaims,

"I-I didn't do it, I was really scared Thomas. I asked her about her crush and now I'm sad because I know it's not me."

"You don't know that. You would if you would have asked her."

"I got nervous okay. I just I didn't know what to do"

"Jane, you could have had a girlfriend. A girlfriend, I'm coming home today and you better be ready because I'm helping you tell her." He says and I sigh


"Gotta go byeeee." He says and hangs up, I groan and flop on the couch. I stare at the ceiling,

"This is the first time I've had a ship that hasn't happened yet." Elizabeth says, sitting on the couch,

"It's probably not gonna happen" and she gasp dramatically, she slaps her hand over her heart,

"MOM!" She yells and Mom ran down the stairs,

"What? What's wrong?" She asks

"Jane says that Parrmour probably isn't going to happen." She says and Mom does the same thing that Elizabeth did,

"Whaaaaaaaaattttt." Mom says and she sits next to Elizabeth on the couch

"I tried to tell her yesterday but I couldn't do it. I got nervous and panicked." I say,

"Jane you gotta hope. You'll never know until you tell her." Mom says and I sigh

"You guys aren't gonna leave me alone until I tell her are you?" I ask and they nod, I groan and run upstairs.

Cathy POV
I walk outside and saw William playing soccer, "Hi Cathy." He says waving

"Hi Will."

"How was Janes house?" He asks, he was always nice to me

"It was good." I say and he smiles,

"Wanna play with me?" He asks and I nod,

1 hour later
Me and Will has been just been talking and I was helping him practice soccer. "Guys! Food!" Mom yells,

"We play when we get done." He says and I nod, I was out of breath. I put a hand on my knee using the other one to give him a finger gun,

"Yeah, totally." I say and walk inside,

"Ew, Cathy you look disgusting." Taylor says,

"Wow thanks Taylor, so do you." I say and she glares at me

"Take that back!" She yells

"Nope." I say and she throws a pillow at me,

"You're so mean!" She says

"No I'm not," I say and sit down next to Will, he hands me a water bottle

"I didn't know if you would want would want water or juice so I just got you water. Mom why hasn't it started snowing yet?" He says

"Because the weather is weird" (my cats running around the house playing with an empty cheez it box😂) William nods his head and starts eating his sandwich.

A few minutes later
Me and Will we're back outside, "you okay?" He asks and tries to score a goal, I catch the soccer ball and throw it back to him.

"Just thinking." I say, Will was easy to talk to, like Dad. He does a trick "nice job." I say

"Thanks. What are you thinking about?" He asks and he passes the soccer ball to me, I pass it back.

"Jane." I say

"What about her." He says and makes a goal when I'm not looking,

"Damn it. I just really like Jane, as in more than a friend and I'm trusting you with this so don't say anything. She makes me happy and I know she doesn't like me." I say, I move so he could be goalie. He passes me the soccer ball and I start trying to make goals,

"Head up sistow , we don't have time to be looking at our feet. And, I'm not gonna tell. Maybe you should tell her, she seems happy around you too."

"But how?" I ask and look up,

"Tell her at Christmas or something," he says

"Yeah but like how do I word it?" I ask

"I dunno, you're a writer. You'll figure it out, do a trick or something, you're really boring." He says and I do a cool one, he stares at me shocked and I score a goal. "How'd you do that?" He asks

"Magic." I say and he laughs,

Jane POV
Later that night

The opens and there was Edward holding bag, "HI! IM HOME!" He yells, and I stare at him. He pulls out water guns, "AND I'M PREPARED!" He yells, I run and grab one.

"Did you out water in them?" I ask and he nods, "THOMAS!" I yell and we run upstairs, I stop running. "Back downstairs, we need eggs and flour. Oh I can't wait to get a video of this." I say, we run downstairs and Mom stares at us confused,

"Please don't do this again." She says

"Too late." I say grabbing eggs, I run back up the stairs and set my phone so that you would be able to see Thomas. Edward walks upstairs, I open his door and we start spraying him. I laugh, "flour! Go! Go!" I yell laughing and Edward chucks flour in Thomas's face, he starts coughing and waving it away, I grab an egg and smash it on his head.

"Our work here is complete." Edwards says and I run, grab my phone. We both run outside to his car, he locks the door. "We're safe from Thomas for now." He says and I laugh, he holds out his hand, I give him a high five and hug him.

"I missed doing that." I say and he nods,

"Me too."

Heyyyyyy. Was the part why Thomas necessary? Not really but it made me laugh. I was listening to mean girls while writing this,  I love Janis too much. Byeeeeeeeeee

Random fact: I smashed my finger in a car door last year (a big ass piece of dust just flew into my eye) I made a lot of people almost throw up because it kinda broke of so I could press the top of my nail and it'd show what was under my nail. Good timessss.

-ScReEcHiNg ToRtUlLlLlLeEeEeEeE🐢🐢🐢

Fireflies are just fairy's Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin