Seven Minutes in Heaven

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Uni (mainly Mammon) x fem. Reader, Semi- NSFW

As Satan explained the game to everyone for me, everyone had intrigued expressions on their face.

"I'm in!" Mammon said.

"Me too." Levi said.

"I am as well."

"Of course I am!"

"Sure, why not?"

"Sure, but I'm sleepy...."

We looked towards Lucifer's empty seat.

"He must have snuck off while everyone was talking....." I muttered.

"Of course he did." Asmo sighed. "He's not as fun as he used to be."

"I agree."

"You'd better not let Lucifer catch you saying that."

"What would he do? I'm just telling the truth."

As everyone sat in the music room, spinning the bottle to begin our game, no one seemed to notice me throwing glances at Mammon.
The only reason I agreed to play this game, the only reason I wanted to spin the bottle first, was because I had a crush on Mammon.
The biggest crush ever, that only I knew about. Of course, I couldn't tell any of the brothers, they'd get jealous.
So, I kept throwing glances, and I kept my secret to myself, and I kept longing to be in Mammon's arms.

The first time I spin the bottle, it lands on Asmo, and everyone is either shocked or jealous.

"Aww, come on...." Levi says. "That's so not fair."

"Hey!" Mammon exclaims. "That's not fair! Spin the bottle again! I don't wanna sit in a closet with one of my brothers!"

"Don't think that we want to sit in a closet with you either."

"What was that, Satan?"

"Okay, in the closet you go!" Belphie shoves Asmo and I into the nearest closet, and locks it.

"Wait!" I say, banging on the door.

"No way." Belphie says, his voice fading away.

I groan in despair.

"What's the matter, Y/n?" Asmo asks, slipping his hands around my waist. "You shouldn't have a problem being in a closet with me."

"It's dark in here." Was my response.

"You won't be worried about darkness for long...." Asmo said, pressing his body against mine.

"No way, Asmo! No funny business!"

"Isn't this what people do while playing this game?"

"They don't go that far!"

Asmo chuckles, his hands slipping up my body.

"We'll see how far we can go, then."

"Let me out!" I screeched, banging on the door as hard as I can.

It had been seven minutes, and Asmo made me watch him feel himself up, and squirt a load on my face.

"Let me out!" I cried again.

"Jeez, Y/n." Asmo said, licking his fingers. "Was it that bad? All you did was watch me. Oh, and you should probably wipe my seed off of your face before you let the rest of them see you."

Belphie opens the door, and I dash out, heading straight for a bathroom.

"What was on her face?" Belphie asked.

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