Seven Pieces(Pt. 7)

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Beelzebub x fem. Reader

"I'm Beel this time..." I say.

I guess I knew what would happen if I became Beel.
I'd eat. Everything.
Gain wait, ugh.
My body has been enveloped in an bright orange dress, and Beel's wings and horns for the past hour.

"Man....." I complain to myself. "So hungry....."

"You just ate a piece of cake." Levi said.

"I know, and that made me hungrier..."

"You should be used to this." Belphie says. "Beel does this all the time."

I lay across my bed on my stomach, and Belphie's head resting on my back.

"Yeah, but this is different...." Levi went on. "I actually want to give her food."

"Did you not want to give Beel food?" Belphie asks, glaring at Levi.

Levi's eyes widen.

"Wait, I did! Don't look at me like that! I'm sorry!"

"Now shut up, so I can sleep." Belphie turns away from Levi, and Levi looks at me.

"Hehe." I chuckled.

"Hey! Don't laugh!" Levi said, pouting. "I'm going back to my room to level up on Mononoke Land!"

Levi runs into Beel on his way out.

"Oh. Hey Beel." He says, before passing by.

"Did you need something?" I ask, my stomach growling.

Belphie didn't budge to my stomach, as he was fast sleep on me.

"No." Beel says. "You need something."
Beel produces an apple from his hands, and I smile.

He hold it out to me, and I reach for it.

"Thanks Beel." I say, taking the apple.

"I know you won't be entirely full, so I've got something else for you."

Beel leaves, but he doesn't show up again.

Time passes by, but he never peeps back in.
Until now.

"Y/n!" Beel yells, breaking into my room.

Belphie yells, almost falling out of my bed.

"What the hell!" He yells. "What's going on?"

"Calm down!" I say. "It's just Beel!"
Belphie sighs.

"Jeez, Beel." Belphie goes to lay back down, but Beel lifts him up.


"It's bedtime. Let's go."

Beel and Belphie leave, but Beel doesn't come back again.
I fall asleep to the night sounds of the Devildom.

Then, I wake up again, with a groan.
I'm so hungry..... so hungry!

"I'm so hungry....." I say to myself, spreading myself across the bed.

There's a quiet knock on my door, and I silently shuffle over to see who it is.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"It's Beel. I know you're hungry, so let me in."

I open the door for Beel, and he gives me a hug.

"Aw, man, Beel. Stop hugging me. You smell good." Beel lets go of me instantly, with wide eyes.

"I have a fear of being eaten." He says.

"Don't worry, I won't eat you."

Beel and I sit on my bed, and he gives me another piece of fruit.

"Here." He says. "I know you like fruits." He holds a strawberry to my mouth, and I bite into it.

It's sweetness makes me blush, and as Beel watches me I blush more fiercely.
Beel smiles as he takes a bite out of the same strawberry.
He tossed it into the mini trash can in the corner.

"Do you wanna..... cuddle?"

"Yes please."

Obey Me! MC's Adventures in the DevildomWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt