Chapter Thirty

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Its sooo cold!!!

"Would you like to dance?" Max pulled her attention from the door Luke and Ashton had just left through past the bar to her curly haired date. Harry was trying to keep the smile off of his lips, catching Max watching Luke but he didn't quite achieve it and the feisty blond wrinkled her nose at him before swatting at his hand playfully. She was simply embarrassed having been caught watching Luke; she could feel the attraction she thought they had shared bubbling up again and she was worried that she wouldn't be able to keep it down. Max was starting to feel the need to either leave and run as fast as she can away from Luke or else she would cry in front of him.


She had already done that before, never again. Max didn't want Luke to see how badly what he had done had affected her. She was certain that Ash had already told him after the three days he was in her presence but Max wouldn't give Luke the satisfaction of seeing her weak over him again. Just as Harry was about to ask Max again if she would like to dance Luke wandered back into the room, drink in hand and a thoughtful scowl on his face.

Max sighed before smiling brightly at Harry, remembering that she was on a date with THE Harry Styles and she should be enjoying herself because the more she enjoyed herself and made Harry laugh, the more pissed off Luke got.

"Sure," Max said with a cheeriness that she dind't need to fake. Harry was being the perfect gentleman, pulling out her chair and offering her a hand to help her stand. Max had never been one of those girls who demanded and expected their dates/boyfriends to treat them like queens and she certainly wouldn't become one of those girls tonight.

However, if Harry was going to treat her like a queen because he wanted to then damn it she would be a queen. She walked hand in hand with Harry to the dance floor where a fairly dense throng of people were already gyrating their hips to the music. Max swayed back and forth awkwardly, she wasn't much of a dancer when Harry chuckled, grabbed her hand and spun her gracefully so her back was flush with his chest.

Smooth Harry. Smooth.

This felt so much like when she had been at Warped with Luke that Max was momentarily seized with panic. Harry was roughly the same height, same build as Luke but when his curls brushed her skin as he sang softly in her ear Max felt the panic leave her. She was with Harry, not Luke. Sadly though, she didn't feel the same electricity she had with Luke. Max had been starting to wonder if she would ever feel that spark with anyone else.

Max may have  a heart of icy steel but she still believed in the "One" for everyone. Just up until Warped she hadn't thought there was a One for her. Then after the night she had with Luke, she had dared to hope that Luke was her one. The sparks she had felt, the way her body moved with his as if they had each other memorized made her wonder if meeting him was fate.

If she believed in fate.

Harry and Max grinded for a couple of songs, Harry enjoying it greatly if what Max was feeling pressed against her bum was any indication. She had started to wonder when Harry began nibbling on her ear lobe if the singer was forgetting the reasoning behind their "date."

Every so often Max would glance up and find Luke staring at her, at them. His scowl was prominent on his face, clearly ignoring whatever Vanessa was saying to him in favor of watching Max's body move against Harry's. When they made eye contact Max was certain Luke would look away, try to hide his obvious observation but he never did. He would simply sip from his drink, it was his fourth Max thought and then scowl at the couple some more. 

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