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age for this chapter: 6


it was currently midnight when you woke up feeling sick. you felt hot, your nose was stuffy and your throat was sore. you were sick.

being sick has its own advantage and disadvantage. one, you miss school and stay in bed all day and the bad thing is that your sick.

you got out of bed and paddled towards jin's room not forgetting to bring your blanket with you.

the bedroom to his door opened revealing yoongi and jin fast asleep. you coughed before walking to jins side of the room.

his side of the room was neat and tidy with variety of posters around his room. toy figures were on shelf's and on the desktop. piles of homework were scattered everywhere on the desk with pens lying around.

while yoongi's side of the room was also tidy with clothes lying around on the chairs. it was more plain then jins side but was mostly of books. his desk was also scattered with homework that were completed and incomplete.

you lightly tapped jins arm hoping that he'll wake up but unfortunately he did not. so you started tugging his arm to get him to wake up.

jin groaned and opened his eyes a teeny weeny bit before going to turn around but froze. he saw a petite human figure standing right in-front of his bed.

with no lights on but the moonlight he could of easily mistaken the petite human from a life size doll ready to stitch him up to be a puppet.

knowing that it's just you he sighed with relief before turning on his desk lamp.

the bright light shone on jin's side of the room. it had to take you guys a couple of minutes before your eyes got adjusted to the light.

"what's wrong y/n?" jin asked.

"i feel super sickk." you whined.

"okay, go back to your room and i'll bring you some medicine." jin instructed and got out of bed.

you nodded before going back to your room to wait for jin. he came back in a few minutes with some tablets and a towel to put on your forehead.

"here take the tablet in your mouth then take a big sip of water and swallow. got it?" jin said.

"yep!" you replied, taking the tablets and placing it in your mouth. taking a big sip of water you swallowed the tablet before opening your mouth showing jin that it's gone.

jin gave you a thumbs up before placing the towel onto your forehead.

"well done. let's go back to sleep now. if it gets worse wake me up. also i'll take the day off school tomorrow to look after you. goodnight" jin said.

"night jin and thank you!" you grinned.

he sent you a soft smile and switched off the lights as well as closing the door.

'well. let's try and go to sleep' you thought.

you tried to get back to sleep. it wasn't comfortable being sick but you fell asleep fast. through the night jin would sneak back in to change the towel so that your temperature would go down.

when you woke up your temperature gotten down a little bit. it was currently 12pm when you woke up. your brothers gone to school and jin stayed home to look after you.

you spotted a note next to you so you picked it up and it read

' dear y/n,

i made you some soup to drink to help with your empty stomach. i'm going out for a few hours so at 1pm please eat your medicine and drink plenty of water. i placed 3 extra bottled water on your desk just in case.

take care :)!
-jin <3 '

a smile grew on your lips, you gently folded the note and placed it back onto the desk. you had the best brothers anyone could ask for. what would do you without them? you loved them all to bits.

now that everyone's gone you had the whole house to yourself. with no energy to get up you stayed in bed drinking the soup jin made while watching [insert a kdrama or anime] for the whole day.

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