I thought you loved me...

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A/N: Hey! This was a request from the amazhang Olympic3! They requested their name to be Bella, but you can always change it to your own if you choose. I hope you enjoy! -Alice

You didn't know what was happening. The last thing you remembered was being blasted into the air by that wretched goddess Khione. But now, you weren't in the air anymore. You were... on a beach? There was water and sand.... gods, where were you?

"Bella! Bella, wake up!" a voice yelled, shattering your thoughts. 

You groaned. "Hmm?"

"Oh, thank the gods. I thought I'd lost you." the person sighed, pulling your head into their lap. 


"Yeah, yeah it's me. Stay still. Your leg... It's broken." Leo said. You tried to sit up.

"Aghh!" you wailed. Your leg was definitely broken. "W-Where are we?"

Leo sighed, drawing you into a tight hug. "I don't know. It looks like an isla-"

"MY TABLE!" someone shouted. It was a girl, maybe your age.... but a lot more scream-y.

"You think it's funny to send me this- this charbroiled runt of a boy and his girlfriend to ruin my tranquility! THIS IS NOT FUNNY! TAKE THEM BACK!"

Leo scowled. "We're still here, y'know? And she isn't my girlfriend. This is Bella." 

Your heart sank. You had half hoped he would say you were his girlfriend, but you didn't have time to think about that. Your leg was going numb.

"Who are you? Where are we? And what about your stupid table?" you asked, shooting the girl an icy glare. 

She sighed. "I'm Calypso. This is Ogygia."

"Calypso? Like from Percy's stories?" Leo asked. You had never heard Percy talk about any girl other than Annabeth. 

"What stories?" you said.

"Nothing. When can we leave? We were kinda in the middle of saving the world." Leo told Calypso. The girl looked at your leg.

"I wish I could get you off my island, but sadly, I can't. You can't leave."

Your skin boiled in anger. "Why? Are you gonna keep us a prisoners or something?"

"No..." Calypso said. Her eyes teared up. "And how would you leave with that leg anyway? It looks hurt."

"No shit, Sherlock!"

"Ladies." Leo interrupted. He glanced at you. "I'm sorry about Bella. Why exactly can't we leave?"

"Don't you already know?!" Calypso cried. After a moment of silence, she stormed away, her caramel hair flying behind her.

Leo's face fell. "Oh." 

"What?" you asked. "Do you know why she won't let us go?"

"Yeah. The gods send her heroes; half-bloods and stuff. They can't leave until she falls in love with them. Then they always leave."

"Well, of course they leave if she treats them like this!"

Leo scowled. "Yeah. I guess. But go easy on her."

"Fine." you grunted.


It had been a week since you and Leo were stranded on Ogygia. Calypso might have seemed like a witch in the beginning... and that was absolutely correct. When you and Leo had tried to ask her a question, she chased you out of her cave throwing pots and screaming Ancient Greek curses.

You were laying on the sand, looking to the horizon. Still no raft. Guess the witch hadn't fallen for you or Leo yet. Just as you thought about him, Leo marched down the beach. You didn't notice until the last second, but he was shirtless.

"What in Hades happened?!" you asked, rushing up to him. 

He chuckled. "I was with Calypso. I burned through my shirt." You blushed.

"Did you do the frick-frack with her?!" you demanded.

"No! No way! She just gave me a new shirt. That's all. Geez."


Leo cleared his throat. "What I wanted to tell you was that we're going to build a raft. If she never falls for me-"

"For us. She could fall for me too!"

"For us," he mocked. "Then we'll nave to find another way to get off this island."

You thought for a second. 

"Okay. Let's do it."


Leo had started to spend days with Calypso, making less and less time to hang out with you. Whenever you talked to him, he would blab about Calypso and how hot she was for hours. One day, you were all on the beach, building the raft when you saw something in the horizon.

"Leo..." you said, tapping his shoulder. 

He turned away from Calypso and faced you. "Mh-hmm?"

"Is that... what I think it is?" you whispered, pointing to the thing in the horizon. It seemed to be getting closer, and closer....

"Oh my gods!" Calypso yelled, springing to her feet. "That's the raft! Get ready! Get the—the things and the compass and—"

She ran away to her cave and came back with the things you had been building the day previous. "Before it leaves!"

You started loading everything on while Leo attached the compass and sail to the raft. Once everything was ready, you both boarded. Everything was perfect. You were getting off this stupid island in one piece with Leo and—

Calypso kissed him. 

It didn't last long, but it was enough to make you red with anger and jealousy. She loved him.

Just like you did.

"That didn't happen." Calypso said, pushing Leo away. He nodded, his eyes wide. He started the motor and you sailed away in the raft.

Then Leo muttered those words.

"I'll come back for you, Calypso. I swear it on the River Styx."

You covered your face to hide your tears. You had to stay strong. But the only thoughts that could go through your head at that moment were the words:

I thought you loved me...

A/N: I insist on a bisexual Cal 😡(the end isn't edited cause I'm a lazy shit)

Leo Valdez x Reader (oneshots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora