Valentine's Day

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A/N: Hey! This was a request from my friends... Hope you enjoy!

Warning: Some cursing

You looked around for Leo. He hadn't shown up for many meals recently. You still saw him at training and stuff, but he avoided your questions about where he had been. It wasn't like him.

You could tell he was lying. But it made no sense. Leo was your best friend. He would never lie to you... would he?

Chiron dismissed the campers from breakfast, quickly reminding you that Valentine's Day was just a week away. You had completely forgotten. You secretly had a big crush Leo, but if he was hiding out somewhere all day you would never be able to tell him. Typical Leo; making everything hard. 

You walked out of the dining pavilion, shuffling your feet. How were you going to confess to Leo?

Someone bumped into you. You both tumbled down, you on top of the person...

"Leo? What are you doing here?"

Leo's eyes widened nervously. You rolled off of him, landing on the dirt. He sat up.

"Ummm, going to breakfast..." he chuckled. 

You stared at him. "Breakfast already ended, Leo. Where have you been all-"

"Oh, well. Guess I'll go back to work, then!" he mused, walking away hurriedly. What was wrong with him?

"You're a piece of shit!" you yelled after him. He stopped in his tracks. 

"What?" he asked.

"Yeah, you heard me!" you spat. "You can write that down on the list of 'things you are' right next to 'lying asshole',"

Leo furrowed his brow. "What are you talking about?" 

You sighed exasperatedly. 

"For a long time now, you've been avoiding my questions, not coming to meals, and not being around me in general! Just when I was starting to think I actually liked you!" you shouted. 

"Wait, you like me?" he said, walking towards you. 

"Forget it." you replied, running away from him. 


It had been a week since your fight with Leo. He hadn't spoken to you at all, and you had barely seen him around. And woohoo... It was Valentine's Day. Just your luck.

"Come on, (Y/N). You don't need some stupid boy in your life." you told yourself. 

But Leo wasn't just some stupid boy. He was funny, sweet, charming, sometimes annoying, cute, smart, brave... Stop. 

He's a lying piece of shit. He doesn't deserve you. 

You walked out of your cabin. Chiron decided that it would be a day off so the couples could do "couples" stuff. Yuck. 

It was a nice February morning, but you had to admit it would have been better with Leo. You guys always joked around that Valentine's Day was gross, and it was way better to spend it with a best friend.

You were halfway to the pavilion when someone tackled you from behind. You unsheathed your sword/dagger and raised it to their throat. They backed away in surrender. Then you realized who it was...

"What is your damage, Leo?" you snapped, putting your weapon away. He sighed. 

"Sorry... I'm- I just wanted to give you something. To make up for the fight... and stuff," he mumbled. He handed you a copper flower and a small book. You gave him a confused look. 

"Thanks...?" you said, fake sniffing the flower. He smiled. 

"Open it."

"Open what?"

"The book, stupid!" he pointed, rolling his eyes. 

You lifted the cover of the booklet, revealing something you thought you had lost months ago. It was a picture of you and Leo on Christmas. You were playfully kissing his cheek while he 'bunny eared' you. It was hilarious. You giggled, flipping the page. 

There were several pictures of you and Leo, some crazier than others. There were many that were just you and Leo cuddling and watching movies, training, or doing your nightly ritual of watching the stars from the deck of the Argo II. 

You sniffled. "Where did you get these?"

His cheeks flushed. "I, um... Collect them. I look at them when I'm sad..."

You smiled. 

Leo continued. 

"I'm sorry I haven't been around. It took me a super long time to gather the pictures and put them together... I'm sorry. Can you please forgive me?" He went on his knees and fake begged, making you giggle. You bent down beside him. 

"I think I can do better than that," you whispered. 

And with that, you kissed him. It was a soft kiss, but it made your whole brain go on full alarm mode.


You pulled away, slowly opening your eyes. Leo ran his thumb across your bottom lip.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Leo." you said, ruffling his hair. 

"Happy Valentine's Day, (Y/N)." 

A/N: Hey! I haven't updated in a few days... I wanted to take a small break. But I'm back! I might not update as frequently. Don't forget to request! -Alice

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