Chapter Twenty-Four: Stay

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Stay

DEC 13TH, 2038
PM  04:34:01

The early morning was upon Detroit, the city just stirring awake. The still dark sky that was fading from black to a dark blue was dropping small flakes of snow, the temperatures extremely cold.

Connor sat crisscrossed on the wooden floor of his and Devon's new home. His back was leaned up against the front of the soft black couch, papers scattered around. A tablet was held in his hands as he skimmed through its contents, writing out their report of their case and finishing up any other work he and Devon haven't had a chance to finish.

Ellie emerges from Devon's bedroom, her claws clacking against the floors. She rounds the couch, tail wagging side to side when she sees one of her owners. "Hey, El." Connor sets the tablet down, all of his attention on the Golden Retriever. Ellie lowers her butt to the ground, scooting as close as she can to her companion. The brunette couldn't help but smile as the dog rolls over on her back, exposing her belly to him.

"Oh, you want belly rubs?" He coos quietly, moving his hands to ruffle the soft fur on her stomach. "You're such a good girl." Ellie's tail still wags, her leg moving slightly when Connor begins the scratch a spot on her chest. "That's a good spot, huh?" The android chuckles when Ellie smiles, her tongue tumbling out of the side of her mouth.

"Hey, Ellie?" The dog rolls over to lay on her stomach now, large brown eyes looking up at the male android. "You've known Devon longer then I do I make her understand that I won't judge her for anything and that she can talk to me." Ellie sits up, her head to the side. "Well, I asked her about her dad because she doesn't talk about him much and she got upset and went to bed."

Ellie whines, rubbing her paw over eyes a few times. "Was that dumb of me?" The dog huffs and looks away from him. "Yeah," Connor sighs, leaning his head agains the cushions of the couch behind him. "I care about her..." He bites his lip. "A lot." He adds, thinking back to the day he first met the detective.

Even then, she stood out to him. The way she'd smile and talk to him like he was just anyone of her colleagues. From doing his research, he knew she was well respected by her peers and that she is an incredible detective. The both of them have come such a long way since then and things have oddly changed so much.

Connor turns his head slightly, brows furrowed when he hears a muffled murmur from down the hall. Connor scans the room and Devon's vitals come in front of his vision. Her heartbeat was slowly increasing which began to worry the android.

Connor pushes himself up off of the ground, making his way down the hallways. He stops in front of her bedroom door that is slightly ajar. "No!" The shout comes from inside the room and he bursts in, seeing Devon in bed. Her blanket was on the ground and her sheets were crumpled. Her head was turned to the side, eyes tightly shut.


As Connor goes to her aid, Ellie comes into the room watching her owners. She wines, knowing that something was wrong. Connor internally researches what to do when someone is having a nightmare and it said not to suddenly wake the person but try to softly coax them out of the dream.

"Devon..." His voice in soft, his hands falling to rest gently on her arms. "Devon, wake up." He shakes her slightly but her face was still screwed up as if she was in pain but Connor couldn't detect any injuries. "Devon," Her fists tighten and her head rocks to the side. "It's me, Connor." He places his hand on the side of her face, his skin dissolving away as he touches her flushed skin.

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