Chapter Twelve: Family Ties

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Chapter Twelve: Family Ties

DATE NOV 9TH, 2038TIMEAM 10:35:02

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NOV 9TH, 2038
AM 10:35:02


Hank Anderson sits at his dinner table, a mug of steaming coffee in front of him. His eyes stare out into his living room where his android partner sat, petting the head of his Saint Bernard. Connor had shown up at his front door last night around nine. The Lieutenant was just going to slam the door in his face but he for one, knew if Connor wanted to get in he would most likely break in again and he didn't want any more broken windows. Second, it confused the Lieutenant as why the android would even be there in the first place. He knows that Devon offered her home to him, so why was he here and not there?

Hank had questioned the android and he mentioned that him and the blonde detective had a misunderstanding and he felt it would be best if he gave her some space. This confused Hank but the man didn't question it much because he was too damn tired to even care.

Now he sat with one hand on his phone that he barley knew how to work while the other brought his cup of coffee to his mouth. He dials Devon's number and places the call on speaker. He drinks down the warm caffeinated drink as he listens to the rings, waiting for her to pick up the phone.

"Morning, old man. I'm surprised you're up this early." Hank rolls his eyes at this, setting his cup down. Connor's head perks up at the sound of Devon's voice, his attention being drawn away from Sumo. "Yeah, shut up." He huffs in his normal grumpy voice. "Detective?" Hanks eyes move away from his phone to Connor to who was now standing in the kitchen, his hands cupped behind his back. "Yeah?" There is a stiffness to Devon's voice that made Hank furrow his brows.

"You've mentioned that your mother knew Elijah Kamski personally..." He trails off and Devon waits for him to finish. "Do you think you could get him to meet with us?"

"Why the hell do you want to meet with Kamski?" Hank asks, raising a white brown at the android. "He created androids, maybe he has answers to our questions about deviants." It wasn't a bad idea. Kamski is the one who created androids, surly he would have some kind of answers for them. "What do you say, kid?" Hank asks, glancing down at his phone. There's a long pauses and for a moment he thought Devon wasn't even there. "I'll give him a call and see if he'll let us come by." She finally says. "I'll call you back." Before he could even say anything she hangs up the phone.

"She's in a mood." Hank sighs, rubbing his face. "I didn't even know she knew Kamski." The white haired man mutters. "Her mother and him were close. Gifted her android to detective Cassidy and her father when her mother died." Connor informs the Lieutenant who crosses his arms over his chest. "How'd you know that?"

"I scanned a photo in her home and seen that her android was a GK100, a prototype android gifted by Mr.Kamski. I questioned her about it and she said her mother knew him." The android stated simply. Hank slowly nods, taking in the information. The Lieutenant thinks to last night, now having more of a clear mind he sees something might have happened between his android and human partner. "What happened last night between you two? She doesn't seem like herself." Connor shifts on his feet.

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