Chapter Nine: Attraction

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Chapter Nine: Attraction

DATENOV 8TH, 2038TIME AM 11:16:05

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NOV 8TH, 2038
AM 11:16:05

Devon turns over in her bed, the smell of eggs and bacon wafting through the air. Her brows furrow as she pushes herself up in bed. Her green eyes drift over to the digital clock on her table and her eyes widen slightly. The woman surprised that Connor hadn't waken her up earlier but she's grateful because she feels a little more rested then she probably would have if she woke up six like she did every morning. Confusion begins to wash over the detective. Did Connor carry her to her room last night and tuck her in? She knows she didn't come in here herself and that she did indeed fall asleep on her robo cop partner. Blood rushes to her vxcheeks at the though of falling a sleep on the android. Devon stretches her arms above her head before she walks down the hallway, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Good morning, Devon." Connor stood in her kitchen, a smile on his lips. He wore his pants, boots and white button up but the jacket and tie were draped over the back of her couch. A few of his buttons were unbuttoned and the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. She swallows harshly at the sight of him. She never seen Connor so...comfortable looking before. He's always been in his full CyberLife uniform.

"G-good morning, Connor." She stumbles over her words, walking towards the kitchen. "Are you feeling well? You're heart rate has began to rise." A deep blush forms on her cheeks and she quickly adverts her eyes away from his concerned gaze. "Yeah, Im fine, Connor." She clears her throat, standing straighter. Ellie trots over to her happily and Devon pats her head with a small smile. The android watches her a moment, trying to make sure she really is okay. Her heart was calming down as she pets her dog. He wonders what made her heart race like that by he decides he'd figure that out later and turns to grab a plate that's resting on the counter.

"I have prepared you a breakfast that has the necessary nutrition to start your day." He faces her again, a plate of food in his hands. She eyes the plate that had eggs, three pieces of bacon, a slice of toast and a few chopped up strawberries.


"I didn't know you could cook." She takes the plate from him and sets it down at the table and takes a seat. Connor places a mug of fresh coffee beside her and takes a seat at the table as well. "I learned this morning." He smiles sweetly at her and she scoops up some of the eggs into her mouth and her eyes winded slightly. Devon knows eggs are a pretty basic and easy dish but some how Connor made it taste amazing.

"This is delicious, Connor." The compliment makes his eyes light up. "Thank you." He nods his head, his tuff of hair moving slightly. "You're welcome, I am happy to be able to help you in any way, Devon." She smiles and continues to eat her food, realizing she never bought strawberries. "Did you go to the store?"

"I did." He nods. "I used your car, I hope you don't mind." He really went out of his way to go to the store to get things to make her breakfast? "I don't mind at all." How could she? He made her a delicious breakfast. "This is definitely better then a frozen sandwich." Devon jokes as his lips tug upwards as he watches her. "How is you're hand?" Connor asks, eyeing her bruised knuckles. She twists her wrist to take a look at her hand that's gripping onto a fork. "It's kinda sore but nothing I can't deal with." She smiles at him. "Have we been assigned any cases?" His LED blinks a few times then it turns blue again. "No, not as of yet, that's why I've allowed you to sleep in."

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