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I gasped in surprise and her smile widened...I hurriedly took her hand and she pulled me to stay beside her on the floated off into the huge palace built on..well,clouds...

Everywhere looked serene and peaceful...ladies dressed in little white wrap-dresses with the purest gold bracelet and anklet joined in the flight,floating around us on everyside.

I fidgeted a little...suddenly feeling out of place.The cloud dived towards a large room,immaculately white and decorations everywhere...I gripped subconsciously on Hera's hand,she turned to me and smiled so genuinely it made my heart flutter in happiness.

She cares about me!

The cloud dispersed and the envoys bowed and floated off...I turned to Hera,we were standing in what seemed like her garden...
She turned to face me and I managed a nervous smile.

"How much do you know about me?"She asked and I blinked unbelievably at her,I was not expecting that question.

"Uh...not much...Just that you are the Queen of the gods're extremely powerful...and you don't like to share your man"I said and kicked myself for saying the last part.

She chuckled and her eyes kind of twinkled...she drew in deep breaths and for a second,she seemed really engrossed in how good the air was.

"I heard what you did to Leto"I said and she smiled.

"I saw what you did to Chantelle"She replied and I gasped dramatically which made her laugh.

"You see,we've got lots of things in common...Powers,mate protection,even life stories...I also felt out of place at first when I became the Queen of Greek gods...being Olympian from birth...but I had my mate"She said and I couldn't help but think about how she must have felt with her mate's adulterous ways.

"Your mate betrayed you"I said lowly.

"A mate is a mate,Azure...I couldn't do anything to him because....."

"He's stronger?"I interrupted and she laughed.

"I am his Queen...I hold the power"She winked and I smiled.

"Its just hard to hurt your own mate,don't you think....I hope you don't find out how that wasn't easy living through the pain he caused me with the numerous affairs but he is my mate still"

"And you love him"

"I love him"She smiled and I heaved.

"If I am really your descendant,why did the dagger cut through me?...I mean,aren't I supposed to be resistant to injury...?"

"I let the dagger cut through so you would come here,I needed a talk with you...about your personality and your powers...being the descendant of the Queen of the gods means that you are Queen over your other shoal can defeat yours,you become their defender...protecting what's ours is what we're both good at"She winked and I chortled...

"I have a lot to teach you...Your powers,your strength is without restraint,young one...The only one who can defeat you, Me.
You would learn a lot here but you have very limited time"She said and turned in direction of the path leading back into the palace...

I made to follow her when pain sliced through me and I couldn't help but yelp from the impact,I knew exactly what caused the pain..

"Are you alright?"She asked,looking me over.

"My mate"I said lowly,trying as much to absorb the pain spreading in my stomach.

"You really have to go now...I'll reach you..."Hera said and I watched as trails of sparkling light swirled around us...

"How will you reach me,Hera?"I asked,saying her name for the first time.

"I'm everywhere with you, the ocean,on the stars always..most importantly,I am in your heart...the voice in your head is me.."She said and I squeezed her hand..

The large cloud that we sat on darted out towards the light in the distance...I kept my gaze steady on Hera.

"How can I get Chantelle out of the realm?"I asked and her lips curved upwards.

"You won't have to...she wouldn't want that either"Hera said and I squinted my eyes at her...

"And why do you think that?"I said thoughtlessly.

"She found her mate there"She replied calmly and she looked away towards the light in distance...I closed my eyes at the spiraling motion that engulfed my body...I felt Hera let go of my hand I opened my eyes...


I squeezed her hand and moved up to kiss her forehead...I closed my eyes at the bubbling sensation that filled me,I opened my eyes and looked down at Azure...

"Missed me?"was the first thing she said.Her eyeballs were crackling with lightning bolts.

I felt tears roll down my cheeks as she flung her arms around my neck...I grabbed tightly onto her and sobbed.

"I missed you,Ryan"She said in a small voice.I pulled back and she grabbed my face forward,kissing me passionately on the lips...

The familiar sparks ran through me and I held on tighter to her,with tears brimming my closed eyes...I ran my hands through her completely blue hair and broke the kiss.

"You complete me,dear mate"She said simply and i chuckled amidst tears.I pulled her into a tight hug,repeatedly kissing her head.

Hey guys,this is me😪...I know the chapter is short but I promise,the next one would be long...Azure(Dawn of hope)is ending soon
A sequel is coming through😎...Azure(Quest for the Crown)...
Thank you for the increased reads and votes...I love every freaking one of y'all with each scale on my tail😘

Find me on Instagram at __mkthemodel.😘

Azure;The Dawn Of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now