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Ryan pulled me back into the room...Balt turned to us and I sucked in deep breath.

"We need a plan...and I think I have one"I said to them and Colleen scoffed,attracting a glare from me.

"What is the plan?"she asked and I ignored the disrespectful tone in her voice.

"We won't wait till the final invasion to attack Aquafina...if we wait,we'll give them just enough time to get their weapons ready so we have to catch them off guard"I explained and they exchanged glances.

"We don't have enough army"Sandy said,a worried look on her face.

"You have me"I said and the room quieted down...Colleen suddenly burst into laughter and we turned to look at her,shocked.

"What's funny?"Cyan asked in disgust.

"What in the actual fuck makes you think you can fight nixies?..."Colleen mocked and I felt a rubble of lightning blaze through me in anger.

"I am the princess"I replied coolly.

"Yeah so?...the fact that you kicked Sandy's ass and stole her powers doesn't make you're a bully!"She shouted and lightning flashed directly in my eyes.

"Watch your tongue,mortal"I said,my body felt heavier and I struggled to take control but it seemed like someone else was in charge of my body...

"I am the princess...the most powerful to ever grace the face of the ocean and in respect to that,you will bow!"I thundered at voice had a kind of authority that I never knew was there...I couldn't even censor what I was saying...I was...possessed.

"Bow!"The voice in me screamed out.

"My princess"Colleen bowed but as soon as I turned away,she jumped at me,delivering punch after punch all over me.I pushed her off with a wave of hand and her hair shot out to hit me in the face,I parried it and swooned it around my arm then I jerked her forward and she ran directly into my fist...

She scrambled away and hissed at me from the corner in the room...Lightning raged furiously through my veins and I found myself wishing we were at the beach...

A dizzying sensation came over me and suddenly Colleen and I was at the beach...I blinked in surprise...She looked around her and yelled at me,I could see her fear clearly on her face

"What are you gonna do...kill me?"

"No no,subject...I'll bury you like the past because that is what you are!"The voice in me roared and took control of the sand on which Colleen was standing.

I tipped my fingers downwards and she began to sink...I slowly began to crane my fingers together...the tighter the crane got,the deeper she gets buried...She screamed out,pleading for her life but I was no longer listening.

I couldn't stop myself even if I wanted to...the anger was overwhelming and I craned my fingers tighter...

"Azure!"I heard Ryan yelled and my anger subsided a little...

"No...this isn't you,Azure...Control your powers,baby...please"I looked away from him and concentrated on Colleen who was crying out hysterically.

"Ryan help me!!!"She screamed out and my anger refueled...Why would she beg my Mate to help her...he is mine!

Azure;The Dawn Of HopeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ