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This chapter is dedicated to twinkie2105 ...happy birthday honey❤

Series of fireballs flew at us,we raised a wall of ice and pushed it forward on them...screeches filled the cave as the ice wall slammed them into the opposite wall.

"That ought to keep them for a while"Balt said to me as we added a couple of ice thick it would take hours to melt with their heat abilities.

Ryan swam up to us...with the rest of the protectors
..and we all made it to the entrance of the volcanic temple...the army was there,set to attack Oceania.

We attacked full-fledge,weakening the army in less than five minutes.We attacked further into the first recess of the temple...We stopped short,faced with a red mermaid who looked like she was ready to kill us...A movement caught my eyes and I turned to see Reddington!

"Red!"I exclaimed in surprise,looking wide-eyed at him..

"Yeah...what?...your protectors didn't tell you that I am a merprince?"He scoffed and I exchanged glances with Ryan.

"Uh...we sub-consciously left out that little imformation...."Ryan shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

"Get them,Red...enough with the bullshit already!"The mermaid next to him shouted and he smiled amusedly at him...

"You're alone on this one,Chantelle...I told you they were gonna attack...I'm not putting my head on the chopping block for you and your mother!"

"Our mother!"

"No...yours...I am the scoundrel and you are always the hero"Red hissed at her and swam off...

Chantelle turned to us and hissed irritably,anger evident on her her face as she turned red...I saw a army of mermen entered from a passageway behind her...

"Attack them...but the princess is mine!"She sneered and I smirked moved forward at her...

She moved backwards... Swimming fast towards the massive temple altar,and I followed her...there was lots of nixies around and she sneered at me...

"No escape now,princess"She mocked...I saw with the tail of my eyes,a nixie closing the door.

I was truly alone in a room full of nixies thirsting for my blood with their deranged princess...She has skillfully lured me here...I was left to fate,no protector around but I could do this on my own..

"You are nothing without your protectors!"Chantelle screamed and I felt anger spark in me...Now,I am a princess and MY protectors work for me...I am definitely something with or without them!...

I felt my body lighten and I floated on a burst of cloud and twerked a crackle of lightning between my fingers...I smiled at how pale their faces were.

"Ever been struck by lightning?"I teased and they exchanged terrified glances.

",you will be"I said and struck down hail of lightning at them...Chantelle pushed a nixie forward,blocking the trail of lightning.

I directed a shower of sharp edged ice at the nixies...they were too preoccupied with getting out of harms way so I made for Chantelle,who bolted the moment she saw me coming at her...

She turned and I saw her eyes blaze...I could feel the crackle of lightning in my eyeballs.She growled at me...

"How about this?...fist powers"She said and I squinted at the lame idea...

"We are mermaids,you idiot...fight me with your abilities"I shot back at her and she rolled her eyes subtly.

"Stop wasting my time!"I growled in anger suddenly realizing that she was stalling time for the nixies to get here.

I rushed at her and punched her in the face...she pushed back in anger,I ducked her fist,heading for my face...I parried it and pulled her forward into into my fist.

I pushed her hard to the ground,she lashed back with a roar of fire...The impact of the fire threw me backwards,slamming me hard into a nearby wall...I was extremely surprised at her abilities...

I was furious...I flew at her...she reaponded with a roar of fire,which I doused with water...I whipped out a thin line of water and wound it around her hands...I made it as hard, as heavy as chain..

She screamed and I felt the water string heat up,gradually turning hot...I  increased the weight and she screamed in pain...I slowly turned the water into ice chains...I smiled as she screamed in pain,trying in vain to melt the ice..

I hit her on the head with mine...she screamed and i pulled her forward,kicking her ferociously in the stomach...She flew backwards and whimpered in pain...

"I don't want to kill you"I sneered and she turned to me and laughed.

"Not that you could anyway...I am an hybrid,idiot!"She shouted and I grabbed her head backwards.

"You really don't look like the type to tame Ryan...he is a son of a bitch...he's had a whole clan of exes I must say...including me of course and now,you're splendid of him to be able to get even you,the legendary princess...I just want you to know that no matter how long you stay with him...he will come back to me because he is MINE!..."My anger erupted at her effrontery..

An evil smirk crept on my lips as I turned her over...

"Let's see how you get him back when you're not even in THIS world!"I sniggered and gathered a burst of lightning in one fist then I brought it down on her heart...Her eyes opened wide and her mouth was agape in a silent scream...

I rose and pushed her body to the ground...I sniggered at the thought of her mate coming to find her completely zoned out to another realm...

Then I turned out of the altar and came face to face with a red mermaid,her hair was swirling around her enormous crown...She was extremely beautiful,in her hand was a trident with a red glowing orb..

She smiled beningly at me.

"Nelisa's child,huh?...the one destined to kill me,right?well,let's get started,shall we?"

Her brows raised in anticipation,my heart raced wildly in my chest...She balanced the trident in both hands and whispered audibly.

"Let's tango!"

Thank you for 60 reads and 56 votes...I really appreciate..❤💖💓💕💞💋

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