Chapter 14

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Amanda always wanted to help others. In her early twenties, she entered the United Nations through an internship program to dedicate her entire life to help the people that needed it the most: the poor, and especially the children in third world countries. She was used to helping others. She took care of her father until he died after years of illness.

Despite her young age, her intelligence and talent was quickly seen by her superiors, making her the youngest person that had ever served on the advisory team of the U.N. secretary-general on foreign policy topics. She traveled the globe to see how her advice was being implemented. She felt honored to be a key figure in helping to bring democracy back to Myanmar. With pride, she traveled the country to see how her work was coming to life.

Give the power back to the people.

After this success, she was assigned to help tighten diplomatic ties with North Korea.

Amanda tried to organize the aid shipments to help the starving children of North Korea.

If we cannot fight the dictatorship, at least we can make sure the innocent and helpless are taken care of.

Amanda's optimism in mankind was destroyed by reality and the greed of the powerful. The aid shipments were not delivered directly to the people in need. Instead, they were delivered to the ruling regime. The deal was simple. They were allowed to ship supplies, including food and water, to North Korea, but the ruling government would be in charge of distributing it among the people. Otherwise the regime would have refused the shipments.

Either let the people starve or make a pact with the Devil.

Amanda knew the people would never receive the shipments. The regime rather sold the supplies to the highest bidder in and outside of the country.

If you dance with the Devil, you won't change the Devil, the Devil will change you, is what she learned that day, which made her change her view on life.

Disillusioned, Amanda quit her U.N. job and went back to school to get a degree in History and Anthropology. She was eager to understand why men turn evil and help the people that are being terrorized by this evil.

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