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White Nuzlocke


New Pokémon:

• "Volt" (Blitzle | Male | Level 10)
    - Gentle nature
    - Proud of its power
    - Lightning Rod ability
    - Met at level 8 (Route 03)

• "Trixie" (Woobat | Female | Level 13)
    - Mild nature
    - Mischievous
    - Unaware ability
    - Met at level 13 (Wellspring Cave)

Deaths: 1

• Jojo
    - Pansear, level 13
    - died from a Critical-Hit Charge Beam from an opponent's Blitzle

My plan is to get my Team of 5 up to level 15-17 and then proceed onto Nacarene City. I'm a bit nervous though about losing another valuable Team member.....



New Pokémon:

• "Puddle" (Tympole | male | level —)
    - nature
    - ability
    - Met at level (Pinwheel Forest)

• "Flora" (Sandile | female | level 22)
- Calm nature
- Good perseverance
- Moxie ability
- Met at level 16 (Route 04)

• "Vanilla" (Minccino | female | level 20)
- Bashful nature
- Strongly defiant
- Technician ability
- Met at level 19 (Route 05)

• "Olive" (Trubbish | female | level 21)
- Timid nature
- Impetuous and silly
- Stench ability
- Met at level 21 (Route 16)

• "Honeydew" (Petilil | female | level 22)
- Relaxed nature
- Mischievous
- Own Tempo ability
- Met at level 22 (Lostlorn Forest)

Deaths: 4
Total deaths: 5

• Prairie
    - Patrat, level 13
    - died from a 5-hit Rock Blast from an opponent's Roggenrola

• Volt
    - Blitzle, level 12
    - died from a Headbutt attack from an opponent's Roggenrola (I thought I could hit with Quick Attack before it could attack again, but it lived on one HP...)

• Knight
    - Herdier, level 19
    - died from a Critical-Hit Take Down from Lenora's Herdier

• Puddle
    - Tympole, level 20
    - died from a Critical-Hit Take Down from an opponent's Panpour


• Battled and defeated Gym Leader Lenora in Nacarene City
• Atlantic, Knight, and Trixie all evolved into Dewott, Herdier, and Swoobat
• Battled and defeated Gym Leader Burgh in Castelia City

I'm probably going to evolve Honeydew and level my Team up to 25-30 and then challenge... Elesa...


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• Battled and defeated Gym Leader Elesa in Nimbasa City (just had Flora, my Sandile, spam Assurance and Dig..)
• Flora evolved into Krokorok
• Evolved Honeydew into Lilligant
• Battled and defeated Gym Leader Clay in Driftveil City (best city music in my opinion)

New Pokémon:

• "Aqua" (Ducklett | female | level 23)
    - Bashful nature
    - Good endurance
    - Big Pecks ability
    - Met at level 23 (Driftveil Drawbridge)

• "Foongy" (Foongus | male | level 25)
    - Calm nature
    - Quick to flee
    - Effect Spore ability
    - Met at level 25 (Route 06)

• "Logan" (Audino | male | level 20)
    - Modest nature
    - Somewhat stubborn
    - Healer ability
    - Met at level 20 (Cold Storage)

• "Logan" (Audino | male | level 20)    - Modest nature    - Somewhat stubborn    - Healer ability    - Met at level 20 (Cold Storage)

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• Evolved Vanilla into a Cinccino

New Pokémon:

• "Shockwave" (Tynamo | male | level
- Adamant nature
- Highly persistent
- Levitate ability
- Met at level 27 (Chargestone Cave)


• Olive
- Trubbish, level 26
- died from a switching-Pursuit attack from an opponent's Emolga....

• Honeydew
    - Lilligant, level 27
    - died from an Acrobatics attack from an opponent's Archen (I forgot it was flying, and thought Magical Leaf would be super-effective and kill it)

• Trixie........
- Swoobat, level 32
- died to a wild Joktik that used a Critical-Hit Electro-Web... (I was trying to run away from it.... and then it killed her..)

• Flora......
- Krokorok, level 31
- died to N's Ferroseed and its Metal Claw, combined with its Iron Barbs ability......

I used to love Joltik, but then one killed Trixie, and it all went downhill from there...

Well... time to train my team up some more.....

 time to train my team up some more

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