~116~ (KnY/Demon Slayer oc story)

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So, I absolutely just love Demon Slayer (finished the whole manga in four days and am rereading it again right now..)

So, as I always seem to do when I love a series, I made an oc. I came up with a backstory for her and even wrote most of it out throughout last night and today.
Just as a warning, again I writs the first half at like 1 am, so please ignore any errors you see... This is my first time really writing something like this in over 6 months..

So, here's her backstory:

(Spoilers to anyone who does not watch or read Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer. So uhhh... just be careful I suppose!)

Four years ago...

"Yuuuukiiiiiii!" I turned around, hearing my sister cry out my name. Her pale blonde hair was a mess and her emerald eyes were watery as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Yuzuki?" I gave her a smile and walked the short distance to her. "What's wrong?"

"You- you're getting married!!! And that means you won't have any time to play with me or- or anyone else!!" She ran forward and tightly locked her arms around my waist. "I don't want you to goooo!"

I simply laughed softly at her affection and rubbed the top of her head. "Yuzu, you know I won't be far. I'll still be close enough for you to come and visit whenever you get lonely or bored. So please, don't be so upset!" She lifted her tears gaze up to meet mine, and I couldn't help but pinch her cheeks lightly.

"Pwomise?" She asked me, puffing her bottom lip out.

I reached down and lifted the girl into my arms. "Promise," I replied, poking her nose. She responded with a series of giggles and hurriedly rubbed her eyes.

Suddenly, she looked behind me and quickly hid her face behind my shoulder. Before I had a chance to turn around, I felt familiar arms wrap around my waist.

"Kaito," I greeted my fiancé and turned my head to give him a quick kiss.

Kaito was an only child, and both his parents had died of a sickness earlier that year. He was a few years older than me, but when we met it was love at first sight. I will admit, I was a bit slow to reciprocate his feelings, but soon enough we got together and were planning on getting married tomorrow. My family loved him and treated him as their own son, so it was safe to say that he was accepted as a wonderful husband for me.

Well, almost everyone completely accepted him.

"Yuck!" Yuzuki covered her face with her hands. "You two are gross!"

Kaito grinned at the young girl and ruffled her hair. "Don't be like that, Yuzu! Someday when you're older, you'll meet someone yourself and get married to them."

Yuzuki was silent for several seconds, thinking. Her eyes had mostly dried by now, and they were shifting from me to Kaito and back again. "I don't wanna get married!" She finally announced and squirmed to free herself from my grasp. I set her down and watched as she ran around the corner and into our home.

"You worried about her?" Kaito asked, likely noticing my expression as I watched her leave.

I sighed. "I just don't know how she'll be without me. We've always been together, so thinking about leaving her like this is just..."

"Yuki." I instinctively turned to my love and blushed lightly as a hand came up to brush a strand of my long, light blue hair behind my ear. "We still are going to live nearby, remember? If anything ever happens, we will be right here for her."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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