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I want to apologize...

Many of you don't know this, but every time I write a new story, I always feel self-conscious about it. Anyone would.

But my problem is that the chapters keep coming, with the quality getting worse and worse each chapter. At least in my opinion, anyway.

This same problem happened during A Girl Like Me, A New Eeveelution, and yes, even Pokérus.

I feel like my writing is just getting sloppier every time I post a chapter. And so then I delete the story, wanting to rid myself of such horrible writing.

After some time, I try again with a new idea, only for it to backfire around the seventh chapter like all of my previous works.

That's how it is with Set in Stone. I am ultimately unhappy with how the story is, thinking that it is too boring or uneventful. So then I combat that by creating a confusing story that I myself don't quite understand fully. And with every new detail I add, I'm only digging myself into a deeper hole.

So I just want to say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the lack of updates. I'm sorry for the horrible-quality chapters. And I'm sorry for trying to write decent stories, only to give up on them halfway.

Another thing that is a catalyst to this is the fact that so many people begin reading my stories. The longer I keep a book posted, the more attention it gets from popular writers. And then the more worried I get about then reading and judging my books.

No, I am not going to get rid of Set in Stone. But, I'm probably not going to update it for a while. I'm probably not going to post anything for a long while. After I finish up Waves and get that posted, I won't have anything here for a while.

Rest assured though, as I am working on something huge that no one knows about. I want to have it done to at least chapter 15 before January 31, as that will be when I'll reveal what it is.

Thank you to all of my followers and readers of my stories. You all are so helpful and your comments/votes really encourage me.

Thank you.

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