I Prefer Bat-Shit Crazy

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"Remember the time
We slept on the roof?
Well I didn't sleep much to tell the truth."

I frowned at the morning light, crawling out of the over hang, I stretched.

"Kitty-cat?" Sophia's lazy, sleep laced voice made me jump slightly.

"Yeah, I'm here, Rainbow Girl." I answered. She crawled out after me, handing me back my jacket. I shook my head. "You look too badass in it, sweetheart, I'd be doing you an injustice." She chuckled.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right." I smirked triumphantly as she put it on anyway.

"Don't you be getting sassy, Little Miss Rainbow." I joked, grinning down at her.

She quirked her eyebrow and I gasped dramatically. "Really? You're rubbing off on me, Harper."

"Okay, okay, maybe it is a teensy bit my fault." I pinched my forefinger and thumb together. "But it's about as minuscule as the non-visible gap between my fingers right..." I opened my thumb and forefinger as far away as the could possibly get. "Now."

Sophia frowned in confusion. "But I can see the gap between your fingers very clearly?"

"Exactly." She blinked in heightened confusion. Eventually she shook her head and laughed.

"You must be clinically insane."

"I prefer bat-shit crazy, but whatever you say, Sweetheart." She burst out laughing again, momentarily forgetting about our troubles.

I smirked. "Alright, let's get you back to the highway, Rainbow Girl." Her face dimmed slightly and she nodded. I held out my arm. "Come on, Princess, lock arms with me! Let's skip into the sunset together!"

She frowned deeper. "The sun's rising."

"Shhhh! We can pretend!" She snorted in amusement.

"Did I ever tell you that you're the craziest person on Earth?" She asked sarcastically.

"Well, not specifically, but I'm sure I've been told that before..." She giggled.

"Of course you have." She locked arms with me. "I should've known."

"Yeah, you probably should've expected that, not gonna lie to ya." She laughed again as we set off, Sophia with her doll in one arm and my arm in the other, with my coat set on her shoulders.



I've never noticed before, just how uncomfortably quiet it is without Sophia and Carl playing together and with Harper gone for the foreseeable future. But now, with both Sophia and Harper God knows where, the section of highway where we set up camp is uncomfortably quiet.

I haven't slept all night, and from what I've seen, Daryl, Dale and Andrea haven't either.

Dale had been on watch all night, Daryl and Andrea had been walking up and down the tree line, shining their torches into the forest for a couple minutes almost every hour.

Daryl swaggered up to where I sat in the doorway of the RV. I got up to move out of his way, assuming he wanted to go into the RV, but he stop ahead of me.

"Ay, chinaman, ya wanna head out fer a five minute search before everyone else wakes up?" I nodded slowly. Daryl frowned, persing his lips. "Okay, wha's going on in that head o' yers?"

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