Officer Friendly

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They've been gone longer than they should've been. I paced the road leading up to camp, hands running through my hair at a mile a minute. I knew I should've hopped on the back of that van without Shane's consent. I knew something bad was going to happen and the worst part? I was stuck at camp, supposedly still healing yet somehow healed up enough to beat people into the ground and to do pretty much every chore under the sun, both literally and metaphorically.

I had paced so far I'd ended back up in the centre of camp just to hear the CB start crackling, an audible "Hello, Hello?" Coming out from it. I rushed forward picking up the CB and trying to reply.

"Hello? This is Captain Harper Rose broadcasting to person unknown, please respond." I twisted a dial slightly to tune him in better.

"Hello, can anyone hear me?" I blinked in slight confusion. Can he not hear me?

"Yes, Sir, loud and clear, can you hear me? Person unknown please respond." I repeated. Looking Dale dead in the eyes. "I don't think he can hear us."

"If anybody reads please respond." Came the voice. He continued. "Broadcasting on emergency channel. Will be approaching Atlanta on Highway 85. If anybody reads please respond." The radio crackles a bit.

"Sir, do not enter the city. I repeat, do not enter the city. We're just outside Atlanta." I paused. "Atlanta is not safe, I repeat Atlanta is not safe." The radio crackles again. "He can't hear us, there's no way to warn him," I told Dale, feeling that same dread looming over me again. Is this man somehow bad news? I asked myself confused.

"Try to raise him again. Come on, son, you know best how to work this thing."



I leant over the low wall of the roof, watching in horror as a man on a horse crawled under a tank after those creeps ate his horse alive. I watched as gunshots rocketed through the air. "That idiot's still alive..." I mumbled. Everything went silent for a few minutes.

"Or not," Morales says disappointed. But mere seconds later, the top hatch of the tank opens up, with an echoing noise. The idiot's head comes up out of the hatch, and about ten geeks notice him. He quickly ducked back inside, shutting the hatch behind him. "That's one crazy vato." Morales commented as I paused to briefly wonder what Harper would do. I picked up my radio. I fiddled with the channels a little and the tuning and put it up to my mouth.

"Hey, you. Dumbass. Yeah, you in the tank. Are you cozy in there?" I asked him, a nervous smile on my face. When he didn't respond I frowned. "Hey, are you alive in there?"

Finally, he picked up on the other end. "Hello? Hello?"

I smiled in relief as Morales, Andrea, Jacqui and T-dog watch me. "There you are. You had me wondering."

"Where are you? Outside? Can you see me right now?"

What I want to say is, no idiot, you're inside the tank. But I hold off, knowing that's Harper's influence. She's a bad influence sometimes. "Yeah, I can see you. You're surrounded by walkers. That's the bad news."

"There's good news?"

I almost laugh. Almost. But again, Harper's influence. "No."

"Listen, whoever you are, I don't mind telling you I'm a little concerned in here."

I laugh nervously, remembering the situation. "Oh, man. You should see it from over here. You'd be having a major freak-out."

"Got any advice for me?"

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