Tell Me They Look Healthy

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I blinked my eyes open. I'm sitting slumped against a desk chair. My whole body ached like some kind of battered broken heart. The second my eyes locked with Daryl's he turned to the others, still crouched in front of me. "Ey, Captain's awake." He called.

"Shut up, you're loud," I complained. Daryl scoffed.

"Alright, Captain." His voice lowered considerably, much to my surprise. I gave a smile of thanks to him and he stood, whispering a "Stay there" to me. I grunted and leant further back into the chair. A couple of minutes later he came back to crouching in front of me. "Well, if that ain't worryin' I don' know what is," Daryl spoke loud enough for the whole room to hear.

"What...?" I groaned out, too tired to take any kind of hint.

"Yer listenin' ta instructions." He pressed the back of his palm to my forehead. "Are ya really feelin' that bad?" I knocked his hand off my head.

"Squirrel Boy, if you wanna keep your skull fully intact, you'd better shut the hell up, and stop acting like you care 'cause the second I'm up, you'll never hear the end of it," I wheezed softly. Daryl scoffed, but stood up and moved on to scare the living shit out of the kid beside me. I heard Ballsy suddenly become no-ballsy when Daryl threw what I'd assumed was his brother's hand into the kid's lap. The kid collapsed onto the ground.

"Jeez, Squirrel Boy, you sound like you've really gone native there." T-dog snorted. I weakly moved my head to the side to see that the kid now lay on the floor, squirming away from the hand in fear.

"Start with the feet this time." I held back the smile that tried to form on my lips. This man knows exactly how to make a good threat.

"Now, now, hot-headed Squirrel," I began, in a dangerously even tone, ignoring the fierce pain in my ribs as I stood, allowing a massive smile to take over my face as I turned to the kid slowly. "That isn't any way to treat our guest, now, is it?" Daryl's eyes hardened, giving me a silent order to sit the fuck down and let him handle this. I ignored him.

"Hey, kid, I know we got off to a bad start, but you see, your boys took my Lil' Bro, and I think you know how hard it is when you get separated from family, 'specially now. So, if you don't be a good little boy and tell us where my baby bro was taken, I'll sit back and enjoy the show as good ol' Squirrel Boy here removes your feet from your legs. We'll even do the neighbourly thing and bring you and your unconscious buddy back to your group as a token of thanks. How's that sound, Ballsy?" Daryl snorted.

"Y-you're the one who j-jumped me..." He gulped.

"Congratulations. Sorry, I had to knock you out, I just really didn't want some idiot to serve Squirrel Boy and I up on a silver platter to those things, and you weren't exactly pleading your case too well by yelling to your buddies like that." The kid's face flickered with a smile.

"G-guess n-not... There's an old wreck of a building, on the outskirts of the city, n-not far from here... That's where my boys are... J-just... Please d-don't let him cut off my feet..." He whimpered out his plea.

"Good, good. Now that's some co-operation if I've ever seen it, isn't it, T?" T-dog chuckled.

"Yeah, one hell of a way of getting it too, man."

"Why thank you, T. Y'know, I'd be bowing sarcastically if Ballsy's asshole of a friend didn't beat the living hell outta my ribs just after they'd almost fully healed." T-dog grinned. "Aight, Squirrel Boy, 'ppreciate the help but grab your trophy, wrap it back up, and take a big step back. This kid doesn't need any more traumatizing, sweetheart." I grinned.

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