Love letter

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Jennifer's B-Day

I come home from work and find V and Jungkook in the kitchen before Tae says "You're expected in Suga's studio" I nod and thank him for the information before running up the stairs and knocking on the old guest bedroom door. I hear Suga say "Come in, Jen!" so I come in and see Yoongi sitting at his desk before walking up to him.

He turns to me and smiles "For your birthday, we prepared a cover song by Jimin Jin and me. I nod and sit next to him before he plays the song and I immediately recognize that it's Little Things, one of my favorite love songs. Jin sings Zayn's part and Suga does Liam's, Yoongi must've used auto tune to sing correctly.

I continue listening to the song and suddenly hear Jimin sing Harry's parts, impressing me. I carefully listen to his singing and it suddenly changes to everyone singing together. The three make an incredible trio together, with or without making a cover song.

But I've realized while listening to the song that Jimin's singing the most beautiful lines of the song, and the song ends before we hear Jimin chuckling in the background "I love you!" Yoongi pauses and turns to me before smiling "I love it, you guys sound great together!"

He smiles and I ask him "Who had this idea?" before he answers "It was Jimin, he was really excited but also really serious about this gift" Serious? Why should he take it seriously if it's just a song? Does it mean something to him? I get up and thank Suga for making this for me before I leave the studio and stand in the hallway while thinking.

Jimin had the idea, and it meant the most to him...? I need to talk to him about this, I think it has a meaning to it. I walk up to Jimin's door and knock on it before he answers the door and let's me in. I walk into his room and sit on the couch while looking over at him and telling him "I think we need to talk."

He nods expectedly and walks up to where I am before sitting on the edge of his bed, facing me. I cross my legs for comfort and look up at him before saying "We've been pretty close lately, and I don't want that to change. But I feel like it's changing for you."

He tilts his head confusingly and asks "What do you mean?" before I say "Remember when you took me out for the day? You told me while having dinner that you do to your one-night stands what you want to do to me" his expression drops and he looks downwards before nodding and I ask him "Can I see you phone?"

He looks up at me and nods before pulling his phone out of his pocket and giving it to me. I thank him and press the home button before seing a picture of me as his lock screen. It's a selfie I took with him awhile back when I did my first Run episode with them.

Luckily there's no password to type in so I click on the photo app and enter the library before examining all his photos. I scroll through all the pictures in his camera roll and see that all the photos that include me are favored. That's a clear hint. I look back up at him and say "All the photos with me in them are favored, and you have me as your wallpaper."

He fakes a chuckle and takes back his phone before replying "What about it? We're good friends!" I look at him more seriously as I lean over to him and ask him "Jimin,.. are you in love with me?" before his face drops as he looks at me. He looks away and scratches his neck while replying "What?! Of course not! Why would I be?"

I say his name once more and he looks over at me before sighing and nodding as he looks down. I close my eyes as I look down for a few seconds and ask him "For how long?" He asks as he looks up at me "Does it matter?" and I nod before he fakes a smiles and kneels down to my legs as he says "But it doesn't matter! We can forget we ever talked about this and go back to living our lives. Those feelings will go away in no time!"

I look down at him and slowly shake my head before he gives me a worried look and places his hand on my lap. I take his hand off my lap as I uncross my legs and say as I sit up "I think we should stop sleeping together.." His fake smile drops after hearing that and he looks down before nodding.

I start to get really nervous and uncomfortable so I start getting up and say "Okay~ I think I need some air" he watches me walk away and I take deep breaths before turning to him and exclaiming "You know what~ I'm just gonna go to my room, I think I need sleep."

He nods as he gets up and I quickly leave the room before running to mine and locking myself in. I stand behind the door and slide down it before closing my eyes and realizing what I just found out. I'm starting to freak out a bit, since now I have three people in love with and only Hobi left to sleep with.

Sleeping with Hobi's not that bad but I like to change once in a while. What should I do about Jimin? I can't just change his feelings, and I can't avoid him either. I put my face in my hands as I bend my legs and wonder how will I make sure to have a good vibe around him.

Should I make him hate me, like annoy him or bully him? But I don't want to hurt his feelings. This is so confusing! I think I'm too tired to find a solution right now. I grab ahold of the door handle behind me and pull myself up but the I accidentally twist the door handle. The door quickly opens from me leaning against it and I squeal as I fall down.

I close my eyes as I prepare to land on the hard wood but I suddenly feel someone catch me as I'm 15° from the floor. After a few seconds I open my eyes and see Jimin holding me still. We look into each other's eyes and he asks me "You okay?" I answer before gulping "Y-Yeah, thanks."

He nods and gets me back up before I thank him and he nervously smiles, I fake a smile back and go back in my room. I close the door behind me and cover my face in embarrassment as I walk to my bed.

BTS manager (sequence to My Old Friend) [BTS fanfiction]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora