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"Cady...I...I need to step out for a minute." Regina mumbled before disappearing out the door.


Clara, knowing Regina hadn't taken the news as well as Cady, felt a throbbing pain in her chest. All because she had kept this information from her Moms...Ithlilen was in the situation he was in. If Ithlilen hadn't made it....Clara doesn't think she'd be able to live with herself.

"Thilien....why do you think it's not Ethan?" Clara asked gritting her teeth forcing herself to look back towards her little brother. Ithlilen gently rubbed his hands together in a fidget like manner.

"....Because Ethan tried you save me..."

"What? What does that even mean?" Cady asked raking a hand through her hair.

"Before I was even got in my car...this guy came up to me and asked if I was Clara's brother. When I said yes...he told me his name was Ethan and that he and Clara knew each other. And of course, after everything recently I knew he was telling the truth. He told me I should go home—he basically said I shouldn't race."

".....So why did you?" Clara's eyes were shut tightly as the thought ripped her apart from the inside out. Everything she thought she knew—it was all a lie.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why didn't you listen to him?! He told you not to race! So why did you?" Clara screeched shutting her fists tighter.

"Would you have listened to him, Clara?" Ithlilen snapped back, "If the guy who you've been terrified of for almost a solid two weeks came up to you and told you to do, or not to do, something. Would you listen to him?!"

"...Probably. Mostly because I'd be afraid he'd hurt me if I didn't!"

"Clara, be realistic! I just thought he was trying to bother me! I didn't realize he was actually trying to protect me! I mean...why would I think that'd even be a possibility?!"

"Alright you two! Let's calm down! Ithlilen shouldn't be getting this worked up right now." Cady interjected. "Besides...there's nothing we can do about that now. The accident happened and now all that's let to do is deal with it." Cady always tried to be as rational as possible. Even now. When she's on the brink of insanity. The last few hours have been incredibly hard to swallow.

"....Can I ask why you think that clears Ethan? Just because he told you not to race. It could've just been a coincidence. It doesn't necessarily mean he had your best interest in mind."

As Ithlilen opened his mouth to speak, the TV in the hospital room, which had been set to the news lights up with a "breaking news" report.

"Breaking news: the body of a 17 year old boy has been found—"

Clara's eyes widened as a picture of the newly deceased boy flashed across screen.

"Ethan O'Connor"

"E-E-Ethan?" Within the next few moments, Clara crumbled to the floor. "I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die..." she mumbled repeatedly to herself. Cady fell to the ground with her.

"Hey, Clarabelle, look at me. Look at me, okay? You're not going to die. Do you understand me?"

"How?! How am I not going to die?! This whole time...I thought it was Ethan—but it's not! Someone's killing people! They're killing people I knew! People I have connections to! I know I've gotta be next! I'm going to die!"

"We're not gonna let that happen!" Cady snapped more aggressively than intended. Trying to take the lead on this situation that was spiraling out of control, Cady attempted to hold Clara close to her. However, instead of submitting, Clara yanked herself away and scrambled onto her feet once again.

"How do you know that?!" Clara asked shutting her eyelids tightly, "How do you know everything will be okay and you'll be able to protect me? All of the people who aided me...are dead now. Ethan...who apparently tried to stop Ithlilen from racing...is now dead too. How is it that this person, whoever they are, are able to murder this many people without being caught. They are making their moves with care, they are prepared....and you think you'll be able to protect me?"

"Clarabelle—" Cady felt her eyes well up with tears. She couldn't bare the thought of losing Clara. She wouldn't allow it. She'd do whatever it took—no matter what—no matter what it took.

"No...I have to do something. Because if I don't...who says they won't hurt you guys."

"No! I forbid you from knowingly putting yourself in harms way! We'll call the police, we'll make sure you're always around people. We'll—"

"Momma." Clara took Cady's hands in her own and gently rubbed circles. "I have to do this. I've made my mistakes in the past...and even though I regret them...that isn't enough to make up for what I've done. The things I've done, the people I've hurt—"

"That doesn't mean you have to die, Clara! You didn't kill anyone! Everyone makes mistakes..." Ithlilen cut in with all the energy he had. "Momma's right. There's gotta be another way!"

"There isn't. They want me. The only way to end this...is for me to end this."

"So what are you gonna do then?! Just stand out in the middle of the street waiting for whoever they are to do the deed?!" Ithlilen yelped. "This is ridiculous! You don't even have a plan!"

"Oh yes I do." Clara began to gather her stuff having to fight against Cady.

"Clarabelle Lyra, I meant it! You aren't going!" Cady sobbed trying to grab the car keys from her daughter's grip. "This isn't the way to handle this!"

"But it is! That's what you all don't understand! They've went after so many people! They will kill if they don't get what they want. And what they want is me! I'm not going to sit back and let my family face the consequences of me making bad decisions!"

Clara forced her way to the door fully intending to leave her mothers and two brothers in her wake. Suddenly, almost pushing her against the wall, Regina reentered the room to find the sobbing mess of her family awaiting her.

"What's going on. What's happening?"

"Regina, talk some sense into Clara! She wants to go find this—this murderer!" Cady cried desperately trying to wrangle Clara back into her arms.

"You are not going—" Regina started to speak only for Clara to force her way through and out the hospital room door. She couldn't wait any longer. Within five days, all of those teens are dead...Clara knew..her time was coming to an end in the not so distant future.

Ithlilen claimed she didn't have a plan. But this wasn't true. There's one place she can go...

Next stop: Summer Camp.

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