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Ithlilen loaded the last of his mothers baggage to the vehicle. "Alright, you're all set!" He smiled while slamming the trunk shut. "Remember to tip the baggage handler." He smirked holding his hand out expectingly to Regina.

"Oh...I suppose you deserve something. Hm..." She reached into her jean pocket looking to be searching for something. "Oh here, found it."

Ithlilen's smirk got bigger. He wasn't expecting to actually get something. However, when Regina brought her hand up and playfully messed up the boy's expertly combed hair, he pouted grumpily.

"Hey! That's not fair!"

"Oh please, I've raised, housed, fed, and clothed you, not to mention all those nights you were sick—"

"Okay, okay, I get it!"

Regina giggled pulling her son into a hug. "You're cute."

"Hey! I'm not cute! My middle name means lion! I'm a cold blooded killer of the savannah!"

"Actually..lions are warm blooded." Clara chimed in smirking

"Clara! Seriously! Not while I'm trying to make a point!"

"Alright, yes Ithlilen, you're very tough." Cady caved making sure to further mess with the boy's hair.

"Hey! Do you guys realize how much work it is to get my hair like this?! Why you gotta go mess it up?!"

"Yes, because I'm sure those 'cold blooded' killers of the savannah care about how perfect their manes are." Clara laughed once again.

"And I'm sorry, honey. But, if you want me to believe you're tough...you'll need to pick a different animal to compare yourself to." Cady explained. She grew up only being able to call the lions living there her friends. To her, they may be carnivores but...they're carnivores she loves more than any other type of animal.

"So lions ripping gazelles apart isn't tough? Hey Mom, remember that when you're sleeping in a tent surrounded by all sorts of scary African creatures!" Ithlilen wiggled his fingers in an attempt to scare Regina...to no avail.

"I've got your Momma to protect me." Regina shrugged. "I'm not looking forward to the heat though..."

"And dirt! Don't forget the dirt!" Ithlilen exclaimed further trying to get under Regina's skin.

"How delicate of a person do you think I am? I'm a mother of three teenagers...honey, sorry...but you all were more disgusting than dirt ever thought of being." Regina stated setting her hands on her hips.

"Rude! I'm crushed! Offended!" Ithlilen dramatically announced putting a hand to his forehead. "Oh woe is me!"

"Right...and Mom's the delicate flower..." Clara rolled her eyes playfully.

Now that the car was all loaded, now it was only a matter of actually leaving. Despite the completely good natured banter being passed around, there was an undertone of nervousness and uncertainty.

"Well..we better leave soon if we're catching our plane. We also need to meet up with your parents, Cady." Regina said checking the time on her Apple Watch.

With a sigh, Cady nodded. "Right. Okay, guys. Money for dinner is on the table, Kay? Please...be safe. Be smart. We've left a list of important numbers and stuff on the fridge. If you need anything right away, you can always call Gretchen and Karen, Naomi has filled them in on everything, right Clara?"

"Yeah. We're all set." Clara confirmed.

"Also remember, do not let people know you're home alone. Even with close friends, okay? It may not seem like a big deal but—" Regina lectured

Lions Pride: Mean Girls Next Generation Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora