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After tearing that poor unsuspecting girl apart, Clara started gaining quite a reputation around the camp. Despite one of the number 1 rules being "kindness", that went out the window a long time ago. The first night to be specific.

The girl, who no one cared enough to learn her name, even though she basically put an entire Broadway show on during the introduction song, walked with her head down.

Was it Libby? Lily? Lexi? Levi? Clara didn't care to remember. Whatever her real name is...she's now known as "Prissy Four Eyed Byotch." The collections of....nicknames so meanly creative continued. Most of which, having nothing to do with the girl besides the fact it sounded mean.

"Huge frickin' toad"
"Miss Hairy-ass"
"Filthy Toilet"
"Grostsky Little Vacuum Cleaner"
And one Clara created just to make everything just a little worse.

"Gullible Little Bead of Sweat."

"Clara, here she comes!" One of her many followers said cracking into cruel laughter.

"Who? Is it the Grostsky little vacuum cleaner, or the filthy toilet?" She cackled picking at her nails.

"Nah, it's the recycled piece of trash."

"I prefer the smelly dumpster fire."

The hoard howled with laughter as the girl with the glasses approached, head down, eyes to her feet. To everyone's surprise, she stopped in front of Clara.

"What did I do to you?" She asked in a weak and broken voice. "Why do you hate me? What can I do to make up for it? I'm sorry! Just please! Leave me alone!" She begged with tears pouring from her eyes.

Clara winces at the memory. This poor girl was basically on her knees asking, no, begging to know what she did wrong. What had she done to deserve any of it?

Clara's response?

"Why do you hate me? What can I do to make up for it? I'm sorry! Just please! Leave me alone!"

"Why do I hate you? Hmm...that's a hard one. These just so many reasons. How about this one? You being born."

She told her...she hated her..because she had the audacity to have been born.

The girl crumbled to the ground. Her confidence had always carried her far. She found she could make friends easy....but here, everyone hated her. Not because she did something that warranted the hate. No, just because she existed at all.

She picked herself up, and stumbled to run out of the dining hall, as everyone pointed and laughed. This girl, at least there, at that camp, was ruined.

She started being seen less and less. Not that anyone noticed right away. The girl could often stay curled on her bottom bunk in her cabin alone. At night she'd be scared to go to sleep in fear that her "cabin mates" would put a snake in her bed again.

Clara didn't have anything to do with that but when she found out, she started a rumor that the "Glasses Byotch" had sex with a snake.

Then there was one night she wasn't even allowed to sleep in the cabin at all. When she returned from using the restroom in the outhouse, all of her belongings where strung outside throughout the woods. They had locked the door and cackled with cruel laughter as they stood inside watching from the window as the poor girl hopped desperately to retrieve a pair of undergarments they hung for all to see.

Clara walked into the dining hall one day with her posse trailing behind her. She had concluded her outfits weren't good enough and made her followers sneak her out of the camp and take her shopping...they obviously paid for everything.

Lions Pride: Mean Girls Next Generation Where stories live. Discover now