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Clara glares down at the phone school as if she could burn a hole in it. Could it be from Ethan? What if it's just a prank text. She remembered Shepherd enjoys doing those sometimes when he has sleepovers with his Theatre camp friends.

"Omi, sorry to disrupt your sleep schedule anymore but I need to make a call." Clara spoke trying not to let her voice shake from the blazing fear she felt raising in her gut.

"Finnneee. Do what you gotta do just—make it quick." Naomi grumbled once again. Her intellectual speech patterns seem to dwindle when she's tired.

Clara took a step into the corner of the room, and instantly called Shepherd's phone. It rang a few times before the very loud, obnoxious, but adorably sassy voice of her friend echoed in her ears.

"Yes, this is Shepherd! Clarabelle, my darling, what can I do for you?"

"Did you just text me?"

"...I haven't."

"Shepherd, I meant it. I need you to be honest if you did."

"Clara, you have me as a contact. If I were me...you would know." The sass had left his voice almost completely. Instead, it was replaced with concern.

"I know but—I just kinda hoped you were pranking me with one of your camp friend's phones. Like how you sometimes do at sleepovers..."

"It's a school night, Clara. My Dads would never let me have a sleepover on a school night!" Shepherd then brought his voice back down to a soft speaking tone, "Whats going on? Is everything okay?"

"I think Ethan texted me..." Clara's voice finally shook. The fear was becoming far to much to deal with. She needed someone to know. Naomi didn't know anything about Ethan, she wouldn't understand and Clara was far from the mood to want to explain it all again.

"Where are you?" His voice was low, serious and terrified.

"I'm at Naomi's. Ithlilen and Raph are both not home and I...I just couldn't stand to be alone in that big house alone. Especially not while Ethan is out and about in our neighborhood."

"Right. Right. I'm happy you're not alone. If you were...girl, I was about to break my bedroom window, climb out and come to your house. Whether you wanted me to or not. Do—do I want to know what he texted you?"

With a catch in her throat, Clara said low enough so Naomi wouldn't hear. "He said...I can't hide from him forever."

Shepherd remained silent for a few extra moments. "Clara...I know you don't wanna hear this but maybe it's time you told your Moms about this—"

"I can't!" Clara whispered intensely.

"Clara? Remember the importance of sleep?" Naomi grumpily hissed before tossing her blanket over her head and rolling onto her side away to face the wall.

"Look...I gotta go. Just know..I am safe."

"Wait, before you go." Shepherd started a certain heaviness coming through in his words, "I've got your back, kay? We all do. Even Kenny..."

"How can you be so sure he does? Only thing he's ever done for me was use me as a paper football partner in study hall sometimes..." Clara mumbled

"I know because he's your friend. Friends care about friends...at least real ones do. Just—I can't imagine how terrified you must be around him...we're all here for you..."

"Thanks Shep...it..it means a lot."

Hitting the end call button left Clara's eyes leaking with tears. Leaning her back hopelessly against her closet doorframe, the girl wondered if it was even worth fighting anymore. Hiding, was it worth her energy anymore? Avoiding Ethan at this point would be like trying to avoid gravity on Earth...impossible.

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