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"You are a dirty, no good, lying piece of trash left out in the sun!"

"Oh yeah? Well you are a toe with a bad case of fungus growing in your crevices!"

"You are a crevice!"

"Well you are a toe!"

Clara propped her self up with one arm as she sat at the kitchen table. "You know, Omi, they started off really strong but now...this is just pathetic."

"Hm? Oh yeah, sorry, I stopped listening when Mom told her she was what would happen if Patrick from Spongebob and Bruce from Finding Nemo had a baby." Naomi deadpanned as she continued reading a book entitled "Brief Answers To The Big Questions" by Stephen Hawking.

"Like, how would that even work? Patrick and Bruce?" Clara questioned out loud. "What would that even look like?"

"My Aunt Jennifer, apparently. According to Mom, she looks like a lot of unflattering things."

"Some of the insults weren't to bad. Like, when Jennifer said Gretchen reminded her of a rejected Victoria Secret model."

"And that isn't 'to bad' how?" Naomi asked confused

"Because, she implied she thinks Gretchen has what it takes to be a model at all!"

"A rejected one." Naomi clarified

"But she's still a model!" Clara laughed trying her best to defend Gretchen as much as possible in this losing scenario.

"Again. A rejected one. Any of us can go and get rejected."

"Okay...so Jennifer called her...average then. Still not the worst insult in the world."

Naomi shrugged finding the point of challenging such things too trivial for her time. Besides, maybe arguing that her own mother is a rejected model isn't the most loving thing she could do as her daughter. Agreeing with her friend and getting back to her book seemed like the best route.

Their argument would've probably continued for hours if Karen had come back with baggies of sparkling balloons from Party City.

"Woo! Balloons! Gretch, baby, look!" Karen exclaimed showing off the blinding sparkles covering the balloons. "Say it! Say the thing!"

Gretchen grinned ever so slightly, then with a sigh, "Yes, babe...they're very fetch."

Karen's face lit up like fireworks on the 4th of July. What others found weird about Gretchen, Karen loved. The way she said "fetch" was just one of the many things she finds absolutely beautiful about her wife. Jennifer lent a watchful eye to the two, clearly grossed out by now lovey the two get.

"Can you please, please, please help blow these up?!" Karen asked handing one bag of the obscene amount of balloons to Gretchen and Jennifer. The two glared each other down, but only for a moment.

"Of course...we'll help." Jennifer agreed giving a subtle side eye to Gretchen. Despite the two having personalities that are so different...there blaring, the two do have one thing in common. And she was currently standing right in front of them with an excited smile they mirrors that of a child.

"Totally didn't see that one coming." Jericho smirked leaning against the living room archway. "It's not like they do this every single time."

"I know, right? It's quite ridiculous at this point I must say." Naomi chuckled never letting her eyes leave her book.

"What do you guys mean?" Clara asked watching the adults from the living room all blow up balloons just for the sore purpose of making Karen happy.

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