36 : (Finale Part 2)

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Clara's heart dropped through her body, she didn't want to believe it—yet, after seeing Ethan had been killed...it pieced itself together perfectly...Clara just didn't realize it yet.

"W-Why are you here...?" Clara choked out.

"I should be asking you the same thing. I mean, honestly, who in their right mind would come running straight to the person who wants them dead?" Lena stood with her hands behind her back as she eyed the petrified girl menacingly.

"Who in their right mind wants people dead?" Clara challenged. "Who in their right mind wants people dead—and actually does it!"

Lena just snickered in response. "My, even as your living your last moments...you still have that attitude about you. Must be your mom coming out of you, huh?"

"Just—leave my mom out of this. You want me so...just do it." Clara stated trying with all her willpower not to show her fear.

"Well, what fun would that be? I have to have a little fun with this! I've been waiting so long!"

"You're sick!" Clara growled back. "You killed people! I know we were assholes to you—and you have every right to hate us...but how can you think killing people would ever be the right way to handle it?!"

"You and you're assumptions! I'm not responsible for the killing of those people! Now, the people I hired are responsible!"

"You hired people...like hitmen?!"

"I guess you could call them that." Lena shrugged indifferently, "Ugh, it's gonna feel so good to get you out of the world. The deed should've been done and dusted weeks ago. But that idiot Ethan wouldn't go through with it!"

"You were going to have Ethan kill me...?"

"Of course! That would've been the easiest way—but noooo. He was too afraid. He kept saying you guys didn't deserve it! So he would only do the small things like sit in your class and 'bother' you. The only good he did was scaring you!"

Clara didn't know what to say. Her throat closed up, her eyes watered, and her mind jumped around wondering how everything ended up this way. This whole time, she had been terrified of Ethan—but behind the scenes he was trying to talk some sense into Lena...to protect not only Clara, but the rest of the former campers as well.

"Why did you kill him?! If he was helping you?!"

Lena began her low giggle once again. "I've already told you. He was too afraid to go through with his end of the bargain—the job I assigned him. If he isn't an ally, he's an enemy. An enemy who knows who I am—and what my plans are. Whose to say he wasn't going to turn me in as soon as he got the chance? Him warning your brother not to race....was the last straw."

"Leave my family alone! They aren't the ones who bullied you!" Clara screamed at her, "My brother just wanted to race—he wasn't out to get you!"

"I'm not so sure you understand. It doesn't matter that they didn't—as you put it—'have it out for me'. What matters is they are close to you. Them getting hurt...would then hurt you."

"Lena, what happened is in the past...everyone is trying to move on...why can't you too? Why go so far as to kill people?"

Lena's eyebrow stitched together. "Do you have any idea what you and your group did to me?! You made my life hell! You made me want to die! So now...I'm making you feel physically what I felt emotionally...and mentally."

Clara sucked in air, "Come on, you won't get away with this! Someone is going to find out, Lena!"

"I don't have to worry about that. With my father's money, getting found out isn't even a concern of mine."

Lena took a step towards Clara. Which caused the girl to step back immediately before she backed herself into the fountain in the center of the camp.

"Wait—! But Ethan almost killed you! At the camp that night! You were waiting for your dad to come get you—and I was waiting for my moms. He had a knife! He kicked me to the ground to stop me from helping you—!"

Once again, Lena's low giggle interrupted. "Clarabelle, Clarabelle, Clarabelle....don't you see? It was all fake! Ethan wasn't really going to kill me! He did that so you wouldn't suspect me! Didn't you wonder why you never found out what happened to me? You never heard if he got to me or not?"

"But my moms knew! They knew you were fine! They told me!"

Lena rolled her eyes, "Yes, so? Obviously they knew I was fine—because I was! Don't you think that if I actually got hurt..you'd know? What I'm getting at is: didn't you ever wonder how nothing happened to me? Especially when they last thing you saw before you blacked out was him coming towards me with a knife?" She explained, "If you still haven't figured it out...Ethan was working for me! I told him what to do...and he did it! Everything you've been terrified for the last couple weeks, the random text messages, the picture and whole situation with your moms backstory, every other thing...was all planned out by me for Ethan to do, or say!"

Clara didn't know what to say to that. She just stood there dumbfounded. Lena was the mastermind behind all the deaths...

"Oh! Remember when your brothers text got sent to your mothers?" Lena giggled in remembrance. "That was me!"


"Yes, silly! As soon as he was off to race, I went to his backpack and grabbed his phone! I sent the text to your mother and then left! No one ever saw me there!"

"So...it wasn't a glitch..."

Lena smirked shaking her head. "Oh also—really? A party? Do you honestly think anyone not drunk would attempt a murder there? Sure, it's full of drunk teens and there's a lot of people...but the risk of someone not being drunk—like your best friend Naomi Smith-Wieners....seeing what happened is too likely!"

"You know Naomi...?" Clara asked tears rolling down her cheeks. Lena knows everything about her...which is terrifying.

"Yep! Let's see: there's Naomi, Shepherd Gilligan Hubbard, Charlotte Sarkisian, Kenneth Oman-Samuels—" She stopped once she saw Clara's face. "Is that enough proof that I do indeed know you?"

Clara reminded silent, which only caused Lena to shrug.

"Alright then. I guess we can get this over with..." Lena stated sighing. "Guys! It's time!"

"W-What...? Who are you—?"

Suddenly from the shadows four men stepped from the trees. Each one of them could probably break Clara in half if they tried.

"Have fun guys." Lena laughed walking out of view.

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