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"Wait, hold up. I'm confused. What do you mean...'mean girl'? Is that supposed to mean something to us?" Shepherd asked not fully grasping the reason this 'big news' was big at all.

"Don't you get it! I used to be a bitch! Slut! Queen bee! Whatever you want to call it! At that camp....I ruled over everyone with an iron fist...wearing the tightest clothes you could ever imagine."

The two looked over her confused. Both still not fully understanding. They couldn't believe their best friend had been...'mean'.

"Okay so...you were Queen? What does that have to do with that guy?"

"I-I...Kenny wasn't to far off when he called him...a fling. Except..he was a little more then just a fling. Look, I don't wanna go into details but...just know, when that camp ended..I promised to call him, I promised our relationship wouldn't end there...but I wanted it to. I wanted that entire summer to just vanish into thin air."

The memories of that summer Clara involuntarily remembered often. She couldn't escape them. That "plastic" girl wasn't who she really was. If she told people what really happened during that summer camp, getting people to believe she really wasn't that way would be nearly impossible.

She lied, cheated, hurt....she was a monster. Clara couldn't bare the thought of her friends seeing that version of her.

"The kid..thinks I'm still that mean person. But I'm not! I promise!" Clara seemed to beg

"Hey..chill, we believe you." Charlotte promised raising her hands. "We've been friends for so long...we trust you.."

How could they? Clara didn't know. She may have been this innocent, excitable girl at home but as soon as she went away from it all, she became a demon spawn.


The bell ringing caused Clara to jump startled.

"Man, my nerves are fried." Clara muttered softly

"What class you got next?" Charlotte questioned putting a supportive arm around her friends neck.

"AP U.S History. Thankfully." She sighed

"That's good! You'll be in your Batcave of composure, or whatever you nerdy people call it." Shepherd teased

"I don't even like Batman that much..." Clara chuckled, "Therefore your insult doesn't hurt me!"

Charlotte laughed playfully punching Clara's arm. "It's good to see that smile again. Now, go be the geek I'm proud to call my best friend!"

"Rude!" Shepherd held a hand over his heart. "After all I've done for you! What am I? A paper shredder?! I have one purpose and once it's over I get to just sit in the corner waiting desperately for when I'm needed again?!"

"Nice job! Keep going, tickets to your one man show are going fast!" Charlotte joked. "What's the show called?"

Shepherd set one hand on his hip and the other in the air dramatically, "His majesty's sassy betrayal!"

"Oh jeez...alright, I'll see you both later." Clara rolled her eyes playfully. She scurried to one of the only classrooms she ever felt truly at peace in. Looking around at the flags, maps, presidents faces, and fun historical facts always made her able to take a breath. It's a language she understands.

"Clarabelle! So glad to see you today!" The teacher greeted handing her the worksheet for the day. "If you don't mind...I have a favor to ask."

The way he said that left Clara slightly on edge. It was obviously not to meant to be a big deal, something he wanted to ask her to do just to help him out.

"Okay? What is it?"

"We have a new student starting with us today...because the content we're covering is a little difficult to just...'join' into, could you help him along. Just make sure he understands everything, or if he has any questions?"

A new student? She hadn't heard of a new student. It was a big school but...whenever someone new comes, it's usually the talk on everyone's lips.

"O-Oh sure..no big deal."

"Thanks! You're the best!" He clapped slightly beaming a smile.

"Oh yeah....I'm the best."

Clara sat in her seat for a whole 2 minutes before she was introduced to this new kid. And...it was as if her nightmares were becoming real before her very eyes.

"Everyone, this is Ethan. He'll be joining us for now on."

Ethan, a tall, dark haired, muscular guy. Who looked as if he just came straight from a photoshoot. Hair perfect, clothes...actually having style to them.

"It's like they just peeled him off a page in Men's Vogue." Naomi mumbled, her eyes wide with either shock someone this perfect could exist, or fear that she was actually still dreaming because there's no possible way something this perfect could exist.

But he existed alright. Clara could never seem to forget about that.

"Ethan, you can take a seat by Clarabelle here. She'll be helping you along as you need. So, if you have any questions, or you're feeling lost, she'll be able to help."

Ethan turned his head and it was as if instant eye contact was made. His dark brown eyes widened slightly upon connecting with Clara's crystal blue ones.

This was usually the part in the love story where there's sparks and fireworks as the "lovers" meet for the first time, or in this case, are reunited.

But instead, Clara's stomach churned and felt her body sweat profusely. She felt cold, but her skin was warm and clammy.

Ethan's lips curled into a twisted manner. There was no doubt, he definitely remembered her. And now, she couldn't escape it.

Clara doesn't remember when it happened, her stomach dropped one more time before she woke up on the floor with the teacher fanning her frantically. Holding her hand on one side was Naomi, worry written all over her features.

Clara desperately moved her eyes around the room scanning the faces of all her classmates searching for the newest one. Ethan stood just behind the teacher, arms folded with that same crooked smile on his face.

This somehow managed to make her feel worse. Looks as if he hasn't changed from the last time they've met.

The world was being clearer and clearer as Clara laid on the cold linoleum floor that didn't have any reason, or right to be as comfortable as it was in this moment.

The classroom door swung open quickly, Clara's limp body that she was to weak to carry herself, was lifted into a wheelchair with the held of the nurse, and Naomi.

Conversation about what happened, and why were passed around but Clara couldn't hear them properly. All she could do was watch that curling smile as she was rolled by him.

Lions Pride: Mean Girls Next Generation Where stories live. Discover now